Thank you for your comments.
I am continuing this thread here because the other one might be too technical, and the “general” user might find this thread more readily.
And comment if it is something they think would be a positive improvement, as opposed to my personal “opinion”.
I did check my browser fonts (Firefox) and it’s set at default… glad I checked anyway since designing for my users I wouldn’t want different.
I can always “zoom” a page if I need to see it bigger (Desktop not mobile).
1.) I really think making the “”border-top: 1px solid #000;” would be a huge improvement….
Particularly the Topics “List” page….
It could also apply to the actual topic QandA page as in this picture…. but doesn’t effect my reading as much.
I do like the new way the actual Topic’s original poster and question is shown in a box…
I am not a plugin or theme author, and certainly not a programmer.
I am constantly tweaking “things”, and in the process, have learned so much.
And amazed at myself for some of the cool things I have done.
Thusly I am often reading plugin’s QandA…. to learn something new, answer my own question, and when I can help others.
It is a great helpful community here.
One thing that came to mind this morning here at 3am….
Not sure how hard it would be…. and if the user would actually “use” it….
But on a Topic’s List page….
When you mouse over a topic… you get the little pop-up… with the Title of the topic.
2.) If when a person hovered over a Topic… the pop-up would be an “excerpt” .
I think users would like the ability to find an answer to a question as quickly as possible, as opposed to just asking a question and waiting for a reply.
This might improve that process.
Thanks again for all your great work and my apologies for continuing this thread if it is inappropriate.