It turned out to be not as complex as i thought.
Do the following (it is safe, even for a live production site):
Install the current development version (6.8.01.Beta.001) as described here..
The following enhancements are implemented:
* Added to the bestof widget: A checkbox to display the sum of the ratings (totvalue), and the option to sort by the sum of the ratings.
* Bestof shortcode now also supports the display of the sum of the ratings (totvalue=”yes”), and the sort option to sort by the sum of the ratings (sortby=”totvalue”).
The full shortcode is now:
[wppa type="bestof" page="nn" count="nn" display="photo|owner" period="thisweek|lastweek|lastmonth|thismonth|lastyear|thisyear" sortby="maxratingcount|meanrating|ratingcount|totvalue" maxratings="yes|no" meanrat="yes|no" ratcount="yes|no" totvalue="no|yes" linktype="none|owneralbums|ownerphotos|upldrphotos" fontsize="nn" lineheight="nn" height="nn"][/wppa]
Note: For backward compatibility: the default for displaying the total value is ‘no’ (totvalue=”no” ) as opposed to the other display options.