• Very good plugin (used v1.1.1), the real drag/drop individual slide layout editor, that no other wp plugin gives!! Thanks for so much nice development.
    But this plugin lacks some very basic features/options/settings that should be available in each slide group created in admin. Like
    1) To show or not the next/prev buttons in ‘default’ template over slides right/left.
    2) The numbered navigation whether to display or not below or above the slides. (Number/bullet navigation)
    3) Instead of numbering if not opt, there should be auto thumbnail option for background images, hovering or clicking over them move to the respective slides in frontend. (Thumbnail navigation)
    4) Also, the nav button images, or button text option for each slide, that can act as nav buttons to move to respective slides in frontend. (Custom image/text Button navigation)
    5) The transition speed of slide effect and delay between each transition.
    6) The description text put inside on slide should accept html tags.
    7) Height/Width of slide group can be set if needed.
    8) Option to opt for Slide to be auto, pause on slide hover, move only on click or mouse hover nav links, etc (yes/no options).

    May be above points seem as feature requests, yes it is, but the very basic settings needed that can make this plugin a best out of all others.

    Also, the above things should not be very tough to implement (at least few of them), with little jquery and code customization in it.

    Moreover, I am in need of basically right now the 4) and 6) points mentioned above. How I can achieve these 2 things atleast?
    Also, is there some api by which I can create some custom controls/fields in admin in slide group settings page, and get those or existing ones in frontend for use in my template files?

    Please let me know.



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  • Plugin Author Van Patten Media


    Hi Shashank:

    We have deliberately not included the settings you’ve requested, because we want to leave it up to the template designer to make those decisions. I know it seems counter-intuitive compared to other slider plugins, but Total Slider is designed to be used in client/developer situations, where the developer wouldn’t want the client to be able to change the look of the slider or its operation.

    However, I do agree that we could build an API to enable developers to selectively create their own fields, and determine which options are necessary in their specific case. This would be much better than mandating those fields globally.

    As to your specific needs (points 4 and 6), you can build a custom template that enables navigation buttons. We have a document in our developer wiki that guides you through the process of creating a custom template. As to using HTML in slide descriptions, I believe we filter out HTML as a way of helping to prevent any malicious attacks. It may be possible (in future versions) to disable this filter manually.

    I will add your requests issue tracker on Github.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    Thread Starter Shashank Shekhar


    Not happy with the answer I got, very awkward explanations!!

    1) First thing, if its made only for developer and template designer then no need for drag drop even, that also a developer/template designer can do, and manually code doing is more better as he want, rather than predefined settings.

    2) Secondly, ofcourse the frontend look will be customized by designer and captured by developer, but if those fields are not available in backend how he will get? The option that he can do currently, only will be the plugin core hack for javascript and html, that obviously break the plugin future updates. Hope u don’t want it too. (ofcourse its custom templating guide will help to customize its basics)

    3) If its made for that client which should not handle it, then it should not be drag drop, many jquery libraries like nivo, orbit, cycle, etc. available which developer can integrate along with their code as per requirement along with their associative arguments for speed, delay, navigation etc. Why they will use this plugin?

    4) API ofcourse need to be, but the settings I suggested are the very basic that are the base component of a slider. APIs are developed for additional functionality or changing the default arguments, but not for making the basic things. You can make the basic things/fields, and a basic api will be able to add more fields and added support over it.

    5) Thanks for giving me custom template help links, but if all js options are fixed hardcode in the plugin, how I can set or change those values for slide speed, transition, custom navigation; if they not even available in backend (if I want to accept args from admin settings, which easy and fast to modify). The template can only customize the look, but cannot change hardcode values or cannot get the unavailable values in backend. Useless. (Useful only for the basic html/css customization).
    To hide things from the client if really necessary, can be done by custom roles and permissions given to him, that generally done.

    6) By “HTML in slide descriptions, I believe we filter out HTML as a way of helping to prevent any malicious attacks”, what you mean? Are you kidding? Do you mean shortcodes in wp, custom fields values, custom post types, content editor in posts/pages in wordpress are malicious?? haha.. chilidish and old age answer. WordPress has the capability to parse everything security if its html, javascript or even php. Making an html field in wordpress is not a hacking invite today. Ofcourse we should just make these things the secure way what wordpress codex suggest.

    7) The replies you made looks like you not much interested to see feature requests, suggestions and don’t want to workout for making newer versions with additional features. Even you marked it resolved before a full solution or user reply. ??
    May be you don’t have time, or whatever.

    But I feel that please try to implement things what a user posts or suggests, will make your plugin more popular and more usable, else you can’t make users to pay attention to use this, rather using any other better plugin.

    Please don’t mind the words, if any. Here just replied what a general user think, expect and want from a plugin developer.
    I hope ‘Total Slider’ will be a very better plugin in near future incorporating features part by part. ??

    Thanks & Well wishes.

    Plugin Author Van Patten Media


    Shashank –

    I think you misinterpreted (or perhaps I explained badly).

    Total Slider was initially designed to be used by website developers and designers who have non-technical clients who need to be able to manipulate a slider. It’s quite common that these designers only want clients to be able to manipulate the text and graphics on a slider, but not more complex elements like its timing, animations, etc. That’s why Total Slider does not offer the ability to manipulate these elements without dipping into code. It provides a slide editing interface for non-computer savvy clients while restricting their ability to change how the slider actually functions, and protecting the intent of the designer and developer.

    That could change in the future, and we’ll certainly take your interest in such a change into account, but for now, the plugin is primarily intended for developers who want a pre-built editing interface for their clients.

    Thank you for your interest in Total Slider.

    EDIT: As to why I marked it as resolved (I’m fairly certain I marked it as “not a support request”, but it’s been quite some time and I’ve forgotten for sure): this isn’t a support request, it’s a feature request, and thus having it open as a ‘support request’ can be misleading. If you’re interested in further discussion, you can open an issue at our Github tracker, where we discuss new features.

    Thread Starter Shashank Shekhar


    ‘Feature Requests’ are the things that helps the plugin improvement and better feature additions with popularity.
    I have already mentioned that the settings can be hidden from clients using user-role-editor or other access routines. Also, custom filters can be written inside theme, if something settings really need to be fixed or hide from client.
    Since you have limited its scope too much and not want to add anything to it, nothing beneficial to discuss further.
    One suggestion may be u get okay, that make another plugin like ‘Total Slider Pro’ which have all ‘total slider’ features along with the custom settings in admin. By this, users will be able to use the one that they require in the case they need. Maintaining two different plugins with basic and advanced features will help you to have control and will make your plugin(s) more popular.
    Anyways, depends on you how you take it, because it seems u not want any feature addition in any way.

    By the way, I am using other good plugins now for slider in my site in place of total slider, which are giving these options along with customizations and consider feature requests.


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