Since this concerns the frontend, you would have to look at the development repository at Please review the grunt tasks for compiling and testing the js files. If you change src/js/ files, you must run ‘grunt uglify’, if you change src/css/ files, you must run ‘grunt cssmin’.
It is important to note that
- This is a Angular v1 application
- It has been developed with compatibility with Internet Explorer 8 in mind, which means is has to work with Angular 1.5 and 1.2
In plugin/app.php, you find the Angular directive tags:
- lines 97 and 124 have ‘crw-catch-mouse’, which bind the mouse click events to Controller methods. It is defined at the start of src/js/CrosswordController.js
- line 98ff has ‘transform-multi-style’, which refers to the qantic.angularjs.stylemodel module included in plugin/js and steered from src/js/SizeController.js. It is pretty complex, so if you don’t want to make crossword building accessible by touch, you better leave it alone.
- line 127 has the mouse move event directives, which refer to src/js/TableController.js.
No, it is not as simple as adding a few event names. But if you get something working, I would appreciate a pull request.
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by