• fahrvergnuegen


    I cannot send outgoing trackbacks. I went ahead and uncommented the trackback logging in functions.php. The request seems perfetly well-formed, but here is what I get as a response:

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=”Authentication is required: Please enter username/pass. All activity is monitored and logged. (ID53594)”
    Connection: close

    Now I have checked the trackbak URL that I was trying to access and it is perfectly OK and can be accessed from a browser. I suspect that my hosting company (GoDaddy) is using some kind of outbound proxy that requires authentication.

    Has anyone encountered this and knows what to put into the HTTP header to make this work? I have also contacted GoDaddy tech support.

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  • Thread Starter fahrvergnuegen



    Thread Starter fahrvergnuegen


    Just heard back grom GoDaddy tech support. They are in fact proxying all outbound traffic. Tech support suggested using cURL instead of fsockopen. They provided me with the parameters to make cURL proxyaware for their setup. I will try this later tonight/tomorrow and post any results here.



    Could you post godaddys proxy parameters? I too am trying to use curl with my godaddy account.


    Thread Starter fahrvergnuegen


    Here is what they gave me, but (a) IT DOES NOT WORK and (b) you may need a different proxy IP:

    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, TRUE);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, “”);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

    When I try to use cURL with these settings, I get a “Received error code 403 from proxy.”

    Godaddy customer service has basically refused to help me resolve this issue. Admittedly, I am on the cheapest plan they have, but it is still stupid on their part given that I am likely not to be the only one trying to host a WordPress blog (or any blog with trackback capability for that matter).

    I will keep trying and will post if I make any progress. It might help if you also called them.


    Moderator James Huff


    Though some here get along with GoDaddy just fine, GoDaddy does not have a star-studded history with the WordPress community.

    Thread Starter fahrvergnuegen


    Well, the GoDaddy folks took their time, but they did get this all resolved. I am now using curl() with the following options set:

    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, “”);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

    and it works like a charm.

    Hi there — I randomly found your comments while doing a Google search for the 401 error you also encountered. Like you, I host my stuff on GoDaddy’s servers. I really found your comments to be extremely helpful insofar as pointing me in the right direction, so THAKN YOU VERY MUCH! ?? Granted, I’ve yet to officially test this, I’m still converting the fopen commands in my code to conform to the curl related commands. Still, we should keep in touch — you seem pretty technically astute, and we’re both swimming in the same cheap webslum ?? –johans

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