trackback problem.
A friend is having a problem with trackbacks and I can’t figure it out.
The site is
I went to trackback to one of their posts using the Wizbang manual trackbacking system ( (Putting the trackback URL in my WP write area doesn’t work and I’ve given up trying, doing it manually is fine for me.)
Usually when I do this I put the trackback URL in the top area of the form, fill out the rest and hit submit trackback. More times than not I get the successful ping response and sure enough when I go look at the post I’m trackbacking too, it’s there.
When I went to do this with one of my friends posts, instead of the successful or failed ping, my friends website loaded instead.
I think it’s because index.php is in the trackback URL .. but he said he’s removed that from the permlink syntex and it still doesn’t work, he tried it via Heloscan.
Is the index.php suppose to be part of the URL ? Could that be causing the problem?
Thanks in advance and sorry this is so long.
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