• I’ve been in a battle with a spammer lately. Got hit one day with 2,000 comments. I’ve since used a plugin to require commenters to enter a string shown in an image.

    Great. Now a spammer (same guy?) is coming at my with trackback-spam.

    He pings the correct URL, and voila, his junk messages appear with comments.

    I’ve gotten rid of trackbacks for now, but I do like having them available.

    Has anyone else had this problem? What can be done to combat/prevent this?

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  • Gah! I’ve been slaving away at my day job and came home to 63!!!! trackbacks from this moron.

    I’m gonna try TromboneKenny’s solution above for this particular idiot, but if any of the more technically-inclined in the group need a testing ground for hacks/plug-ins to stop this stuff once and for all, please ping me.

    I just got 75 from the same guy. I have turned off trackbacks/pingbacks for now, but can someone clarify something for me? It’s a bit ambiguous in this thread. Can he still send trackbacks anyway, because he knows the name of the php file, or is it not possible now?

    And does moderation affect trackbacks or not? I thought not, since it should have caught at least some of these 75 spams I got, but some people in this thread are implying it does.

    Clarification, please. ?? Thanks.

    If you want a couple of plugins to quickly place all trackbacks and pingbacks into the comment moderation queue, try these out….

    Trackback and Pingback Moderation Plugins

    Moderator James Huff


    Thanks for the listing, MtDewVirus!

    Moderator James Huff


    LisaS’ solution (hack) to throw all trackbacks into moderation and leave comment moderation functioning normally:

    Renaming the trackback file as suggested on the previous page works like a treat. ??

    I think I’ve come up with a solution that will use the blacklist settings in your WordPress admin section:


    This is a knee-jerk fix, but is working fine for me after seeing it stop 5 bad pings and keep 1 good one. Comments are open.

    I seem to get them in email only. Nothing gets through to the actual blog. But I also have a requirement to register and login before comments can be posted. But I have temporarily turned off “Trackback” just to see if the emails stop coming. If so I will turn it back on as it really doesn’t affect the site at all, just my “email delete” button. And I can live with that, I suppose.

    Moderator James Huff


    They’re being caught by your blacklist. Check Edit/Awaiting Moderation.

    whats up with this….

    i get an email from some outfit called SpamCop that trackback spam was coming from my blog and was reported to my server host. the spammer is that puke magot online poker, but appears to list the email addy from my host..

    i have kittens spaminator installed and it seem to keep spam (along with WP blacklist) from being posted whether a direct comment or trackback, though i still need to delete from my mail and moderator que..

    my dilemma is that it appears my blog is sending this stuff, either that or SpamCop is messed up and shortsighted, how is the best way to stop this,,

    also it would be helpful to know if anyone is having this problem, in that they appear to be a spammer because of the trackbacks from the online poker puke magot

    sorry if all this sounds confusing, i tired to be as clear as possible and keep it brief ..if you dont understand please ask…

    Moderator James Huff


    It appears that the spammer is either using your email or your domain info. He is not using your blog. Contact SpamCop (through their site, not through the email they sent you).

    thx mac i did that and turned off trackbacks

    Note that a couple of researchers at Rice University have released a Trackback spam blocker plugin which uses a different approach: their Trackback Validator Plugin checks to make sure that the sites which send you Trackback pings really do link to you, a test that most Trackback spammers fail.

    OK, as a result of some wierdness (my host would not allow me to rename the trackback file on my own site), I have attempted to stop the trackback spam by creating a new directory under my weblog directory and moving the trackback file into that directory. I am still using 1.2.2 as I don’t relish the amount of work involved with upgrading, should the upgrade overwrite the files that give my weblog its appearance.

    So far, so good. I’ve gotten no spam of this variety since.

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