• I’ve tried reading many threads about trackback but I still don’t get how it works. I think people can post trackback to my site but I don’t know how to post to their site. Also, though I’m using WordPress 1.5.2, when I click on the trackback link, it gives me a blank page. I’m new to these so could anyone please help me?
    Also, is it possible to separate Trackbacks and comments?

    Thank you very much!

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  • https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/TestTrack/2005/12/09/test-4/
    If you to that blog and look in the comments, you’ll see this:
    TrackBack URI
    Right-clicking that and choosing “Copy Link Location” grabs the link you need.
    When you make a post, you paste that link into the
    Send trackbacks to:
    The trackback url is NOT the same as the post url – the end is different. For the above, the post ends:
    but for the Trackback it is

    You can use the above blog (which is running the new beta) to send and recieve trackbacks.

    In case there is anyone else looking for one, there is a WordPress trackback tutorial published that goes over how to post a trackback/pingback to other sites.

    I don’t know if the plugin still exists, but I remember seeing one that allowed you to separate the trackbacks/comments. I don’t remember the link or know if it would be compatible with WP 2.0 though.

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