• Can someone help me? I have a large blog on wordpress.com that I want to switch over to workpress.org. I have set up the new site on Bluehost and have exported from .com and imported to .org site, but no posts or pages are showing up. I seem to have all the media though. What am I doing wrong?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    How long has it been since you started the import? How many posts were on the original blog?

    Thread Starter dtourcreative


    I did the export and the import on the same day – yesterday. I even imported it twice when I discovered the blogs and pages were not there. There were 3 years of posts. But the file is only 6.9 mb and when I went to import it on www.ads-software.com it said I could upload up to 50 mb.

    Moderator James Huff


    Ok, PHP might be running out of memory during the import.

    Here are three ways to increase PHP’s memory allocation:

    1. If you can edit or override the system php.ini file, increase the memory limit. For example, memory_limit = 256M

    2. If you cannot edit or override the system php.ini file, add php_value memory_limit 256M to your .htaccess file.

    3. If neither of these work, it’s time to ask your hosting provider to temporarily increase PHP’s memory allocation on your account. Keep in mind that most decent hosting providers allocate 32 MB to PHP under each account, and most decent hosting providers allow users to temporarily increase the memory allocation. If your hosting provider won’t accommodate you, perhaps it’s time to find a new hosting provider.

    (in the above examples, the limit is set to 256MB)

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