• howdy,

    i’m actually rather new to wordpress. i’ve devoloped a complete blog locally on my mac using MAMP. so i set up a simple database called “wp” wiht phpMyAdmin and used “localhost”,”root” and “root” as hostname, username and password.

    so it’s my first time to transfer this complete stuff (incl. database) on my real server. Though i have some problems:

    first i exported my sql-database with phpMyAdmin from my localhost, copied all the code, and visited my real server’s phpMyAdmin and pasted it in. after saving this, all tables are completely the same as on my localhost. wo i guess, maybe that step is RIGHT, isn’t it?

    second i transferred all wordpress-files to my real server.
    and third, i edited the wp-config.php file to match the mysql details i got from my hosting-provider.

    if i now enter the adress of my real server, it’s like there is no PHP-support or something. all i see is a white page, with the following code WRITTEN ON IT:

     * Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
     * wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
     * @package WordPress
     * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
     * @var bool
    define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
    /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */

    what i’m doing wrong? thanks for your help and regards

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  • Thread Starter sepp88


    it is almost working now.however i still get the following lines in my site…

    Notice: Undefined variable: postcount in /clientdata/n5200-2-dynamic/a/l/allprint.net.au/www/wp-content/themes/mimbo/index.php on line 12

    Thread Starter sepp88


    i think i might have any error in my functions.php file. i’ve now completely set up a new blog and it tells me there is an error on line 251 in my functions.php.

    Thread Starter sepp88


    by the way, what about field 59 in the mysql tables??? “upload_path” in my case i can see my local computer adress in there. should i change that as well?

    I haven’t had as many problems as you’ve had in one installation – but for a complete transfer I’ve done, I went through the entire database in phpMyAdmin and change all instances of url and paths as well as emails to correspond with the server paths.

    Tidious I know but sometimes you just have to buckle up and get on with it. Change the upload_path table to wp-content/uploads

    Good luck

    Thread Starter sepp88


    thank you i’ll try from scratch… i’m currently uploading all files again. then will try everything again. exporting sql file, import it. change everything. hopefully i can get it to work.

    is there any other thing i need to activate/deactivate in order to get wp to work: i just enabled php5.


    Thread Starter sepp88


    no, it’s simply not working. i don’t get it. i think i may have just the wrong URL i change in the mysql tables.

    my index page get loaded almost properly, but every time there should be a widget, or a post, i get…
    Notice: Undefined variable: postcount in /clientdata/n5200-2-dynamic/a/l/mydomain.com/www/wp-content/themes/mimbo/index.php on line 12
    so maybe it’s just like i have the wrong details in my db.

    could that be.

    i changed “https://wordpress.no&#8221; to “https://www.mydomain.com&#8221; without a slash at the end.

    however i don’t get the a/l/mydomain.com/www/wp-content … the www directory doesn’t exist on my server. is that normal?

    Thread Starter sepp88


    he guys, stil the same problem, i know i’m annoying.
    however please have one last thought on my issue.

    i tried the same process over and over and can’t find any solution. finally i tried to transfer everything just to another mac, looking if it’s working there locally. YES, it is. i exportet the database. importet it on another mac with mamp, copied the files and got it working. it’s just like on my own mac. a one-to-one copie of my WP-blog.

    maybe there is some other information in the table that is still set to localhost? there must be any solution for my problem. on my real-server it’s almost working now. i just still get those messages like that:

    Notice: Undefined variable: postcount in /clientdata/n5200-2-dynamic/a/l/mydomain.com/www/wp-content/themes/mimbo/index.php on line 12

    for me that message indicates that i may have just the wrong url-details or so? however i don’t think i have. i tried without https:// in front of the URL and without www. nothing working.

    any new ideas?? PLEASE!

    hello, anybody know why my wp_options table is ot up to 39 because i cant find the options name in there

    Please help me,


    Are you using phpMyAdmin to browse wp_options table? If yes then you must have page navigation to view another page and you can check the rest of the options.

    Please let me know what exactly you are using and what doesn’t work.

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