transferring my website and blog to wordpress
i have had a website for years and from there you can find my blog that you can click from within the website.
My website was created by a pro and am paying quite a bit for it but am not satisfied with it plus i want to “downgrade” as it is a little dormant for now. Still i don′t want to just delete it i want to keep it to a minimum.
i would like to create a free website myself using wordpress. My blog is from and the link between blog and web was made by that company, who also created the website. Am not a tech person and even though it takes me ages to make anything on wordpress, i have managed so far but still lack some basic knowledge-
I use godaddy for my domain, used them for years now, no issues so far.My question is
if i stop my website and create one of my own using wordpress, will my web and blog still be connected? Can i have a custom name for my blog? will i require another domain name then? what do i have to do if this is the case even though am not sure if i want these connected in the future.
what steps do i need to take if i want to stop paying that company for my website and transfer it to wordpress (both website and blog, together or separately).
thanks in advance for your reply
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