• Resolved nlukic



    I’m using transitional mode. Everything is fine for post format article. But it seems that post format video, gallery and others not using single custom template I have defined. Also not working if I create single-video template in my amp theme dir.

    In reader mode every post format is served by defined template and works ok, but I find transitional mode more adaptable.

    Could you please give me a tip.


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  • Plugin Author Weston Ruter


    The amp template directory is not used in Transitional mode by default since the theme’s templates are used as AMP. I recommend putting any AMP-specific template logic in your regular theme file in if conditions that check for function_exists('is_amp_endpoint') && is_amp_endpoint(), where the else condition is for the non-AMP version.

    You can also opt to use an entirely different template file, but I don’t generally recommend it. (There is a flag when declaring the theme support for amp.)

    Thread Starter nlukic


    Thank you for your answer. Yes I know that the amp template directory it’s not used in Transitional. I have added template support for transitional mode:

    add_theme_support( ‘amp’, array(
    ‘template_dir’ => ‘amp-templates’,
    ) );

    And I have started creating my custom amp theme with no issues at all until I switched post format (https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/post-formats/) in post admin to post-format-video. I have noticed that my amp single template (in dir I have defined here ‘template_dir’ => ‘amp-templates’,) it’s not used by amp plugin anymore.


    Plugin Author Weston Ruter


    Ok, so what files do you have in the that amp-templates directory?

    Thread Starter nlukic


    For now, have single.php, single-video.php, page.php and other template parts. I thought it should work for post-format-video if I create single-video.php.

    if it’s not possible I have prepared theme for reader mode that works just fine, but I’m constantly thinking about this issue in Transitional mode

    Thanks for your time again

    Plugin Author Weston Ruter


    Humm. I don’t think that’s how the template hierarchy works in WordPress. A single-video.php file would be for a post type called video, not the post format. I just tried this by activating Twenty Thirteen and copying the single.php to single-video.php and when creating a post with the video post format, only the single.php is used regardless of AMP.

    Are you loading single-video.php not as a top-level template but rather as a template part via get_template_part()?

    Plugin Author Weston Ruter


    Unfortunately the AMP template_dir will only work for top-level templates, not template parts because WordPress does not allow filtering of get_template_part(). There is a very long-standing trac ticket to make this filterable: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/13239

    This is another reason why template_dir shouldn’t be used!

    So, if you need to have AMP-specific template parts, what you’ll need to do is manually reference them in the main template file.

    For example, if you have a single-video.php template part and an AMP-specific version located in amp/single-video.php:

        function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() 
        ? 'amp/single-video'
        : 'single-video'

    But to make it easier to maintain, I’d suggest not even having amp/single-video.php but to rather modify the main single-video.php with a condition like:

    <?php if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() ) : ?>
    	<!-- AMP version -->
    <?php else : ?>
    	<!-- Non-AMP version -->
    <?php endif; ?>
    Thread Starter nlukic


    Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Will do that way.


    Plugin Author Weston Ruter


    Excellent. We’d appreciate a plugin review.

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