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  • Plugin Author WFMattR


    Currently, it is not possible without editing the Wordfence files, and of course, the edits would be lost when updating to a new version. But we do have a feature request open to allow editing of the lockout messages users see, and the email alerts. Are those the parts you are looking to translate, or would it be the whole plugin?

    -Matt R

    Thread Starter Roy


    Nonono, just the emails and the notifications, so it seems that will be covered in the future. Cool! Thanks.

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Great, I’ve added your input to our system. Our internal reference number is FB992. Thanks for the feedback!

    -Matt R

    Yes please….
    The mails and the full windows warnings. I am using qTranslate-X, but i do not have a .pot

    Plugin Author WFMattR


    Thanks again for your input, too!

    -Matt R

    Here is an example that works to me with qTranslate-X:
    In /plugins/wordfenece/lib/wordfenceClass.php (line 1084)change the error message with something similar to this:
    [:es]<strong>ERROR</strong>: El usuario o la contrase?a introducidos no son correctos. <a href="%2$s" title="Recuperar Contrase?a">No recuerdas tu Contrase?a</a>?[:en]<strong>ERROR</strong>: The username or password you entered is incorrect. <a href="%2$s" title="Password Lost and Found">Lost your password</a>?[:fr]<strong>ERREUR</strong>: Le nom d'utilisateur ou le mot de passe ne sont pas corrects. <a href="%2$s" title="Récupérer le mot de passe">Mot de passe oublié</a>?[:]
    This example is for spanish, english and french.
    Remenber to save a copy of this file in other directory to copy it again after an update.
    Hope this helps someone.

    Also please option to translate the emails and the notifications…


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