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  • Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @strarsis,

    Thanks for contacting us,

    I hope you are doing well, We’ve informed our technical team about your issue, and they will work on it promptly. When we receive their response, we will get back to you. Our team is here to assist you.

    Thanks & Regards
    WP Experts Support Team

    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @strarsis,

    Could you please let us know in which language you want to translate?

    Thread Starter strarsis


    @hamza1010: Hi Mirza,

    To German (formal) language I want to translate these strings.
    When WordPress i18n functions are used for these strings,
    translations can be added (regardless of specific language).

    With best regards

    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @strarsis,

    Thanks for getting back to me, we have to check this and we will keep you updated on this.

    Thank you

    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @strarsis,

    There was a missed translation of these two words, now we are sending you the New User Approve with a fix for the translation issue so please test it and let us know if you still have any issues.

    Here is the updated plugin: Download link.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We’re here to assist you.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter strarsis


    @hamza1010: Hi Mirza,

    Thanks for the patched version!
    I noticed that the previous patch was not applied yet, probably as you have used the current release as base.

    I am really eager to see a new updated release of this plugin!

    Thanks and with best regards

    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @strarsis,

    We will add this in the upcoming next release.



    I’m having the same issue with the Dutch translation. How can fix this?

    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @nella1980,

    Please create a ticket on our official website so that we can connect you directly with our Technical team.

    Looking forward to getting your issue resolved.

    Thank you

    I’m not entirely sure how creating a ticket would solve the issue if it’s due to 2 missed translated strings in the plugin as stated in your previous answer to topicstarter. Won’t all other languages have the same issue?

    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @strarsis,

    There was a little escaping issue for the translation of the status filter text content, we have fixed this issue so please test it on your site and let us know if you still have any issues.

    Please add this snippet code in the functions.php of the active theme.

    if(class_exists('pw_new_user_approve')) {
    ? ? add_action('admin_init', 'nua_status_filter');

    ? ? function nua_status_filter() {
    ? ? ? ? $nua = pw_new_user_approve_user_list()->instance();
    ? ? ? ? remove_action('restrict_manage_users', array( $nua, 'status_filter' ), 10, 1);
    ? ? ? ? add_action('restrict_manage_users', 'nua_add_status_filter', 10);
    ? ? }

    ? ? function nua_add_status_filter($which) {

    ? ? ? ? $id = 'new_user_approve_filter-' . $which;

    ? ? ? ? $filter_button = submit_button( __( 'Filter', 'new-user-approve' ), 'button', 'pw-status-query-submit-'.$which, false, array( 'id' => 'pw-status-query-submit-'.$which ) );
    ? ? ? ? $filtered_status = nua_selected_status();

    ? ? ? ? ?>
    ? ? ? ? <label class="screen-reader-text" for="<?php echo esc_attr( $id) ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'View all users', 'new-user-approve' ); ?></label>
    ? ? ? ? <select id="<?php echo esc_attr($id) ?>" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $id )?>" style="float: none; margin: 0 0 0 15px;">
    ? ? ? ? ? ? <option value="view_all"><?php esc_html_e( 'View all users', 'new-user-approve' ); ?></option>
    ? ? ? ? <?php foreach ( pw_new_user_approve()->get_valid_statuses() as $status ) : ?>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? <option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $status ); ?>"<?php selected( $status, $filtered_status ); ?>><?php esc_html_e( $status, 'new-user-approve' ); ?></option>
    ? ? ? ? <?php endforeach; ?>
    ? ? ? ? </select>
    ? ? ? ? <?php
    ? ? ? ? if(!empty($filter_button))
    ? ? ? ? {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? echo wp_kses_post( apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_filter_button', $filter_button ));
    ? ? ? ? }
    ? ? ? ? ?>
    ? ? ? ? <style>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? #pw-status-query-submit-top,#pw-status-query-submit-bottom {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? float: right;
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? margin: 2px 0 0 5px;
    ? ? ? ? ? ? }
    ? ? ? ? </style>
    ? ? <?php
    ? ? }

    ? ? function nua_selected_status() {
    ? ?
    ? ? ? ? if(isset($_REQUEST['pw-status-query-submit-bottom']) && !empty($_REQUEST['pw-status-query-submit-bottom']))
    ? ? ? ? {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? return esc_attr( ?sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['new_user_approve_filter-bottom'])) );
    ? ? ? ? }
    ? ? ? ? elseif( isset( $_REQUEST['new_user_approve_filter-top'] ) && ?!empty( $_REQUEST['new_user_approve_filter-top'] ) ) {
    ? ? ? ?
    ? ? ? ? ? ? return esc_attr( ?sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['new_user_approve_filter-top'])) );
    ? ? ? ? }
    ? ?
    ? ? ? ? return null;
    ? ? }
    ? ?


    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We’re here to assist you.

    Thank you


    Thanks for your help but this doesn’t fix the problem with the translation. I added the snippet and as a result there are multiple template files added to the translation in Loco Translate. I would like to purchase the pro version of this plugin, but the language difference looks really odd and undone for website admins. How can I fix this other than editing the code directly in the plugin itself?

    Kind regards,


    Plugin Support Mirza Hamza


    Hello @nella1980,

    Thanks for getting back to us, Please create a ticket on our official website so that we can connect you directly with our Technical team.

    Looking forward to getting your issue resolved.

    Thank you

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