• Hello,

    How can i translate the cookie message and button text for multiple languages ? I’ve tried the WPML string translation option but that doesn’t seem to work.

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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  • Gareth


    Hi – if you’re using WPML, you need to add translation strings for heading_text, notification_text and more_info_text.


    I want to do the same. Where do I add these strings? I have tried with the WPML plugin but it doesn’t seem to work.

    I want to add that I have translated the strings but when I change the notification text for one language in the plugins UI, I get the same text for both languages.



    I will investigate and get back to you.

    Thanks for looking into it. Any news about the issue?



    Okay – I’m waiting to hear back from the WPML authors. I will update you when I’ve got some more details.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Thank you. Any news on the issue?



    Hi – I will chase WPML but they did say it’s likely to be a couple of weeks.


    To translate those strings add wpml-config.xml file into the plugin folder containing this code:

        <key name="ctcc_content_settings">
          <key name="heading_text"/>
          <key name="notification_text"/>
          <key name="accept_text"/>
          <key name="more_info_text"/>
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Vuk Vukovic.

    Strings will appear afterwards in “String translation” plugin.


    Thanks Vuk, but I already had those in my wpml-config-file.

    It does not work still. I switch language with WPML:s language switcher on the site and the same default message in english still appears even though I translated it to the prefered language (swedish).

    Strange, it is working properly on our test site, you can check it out.

    I suggest you to delete strings from WPML String Translation, check your xml config file, and translate them again.

    Also check if you are using caching plugins, those might cause behaviour like this one.



    Hi, I’ve tried to translate the strings but the only thing that change is the BACKEND text.
    Would be possible to get the right way to translate the frontend text or the native integration of the plugin with WPML?
    Best regards

    Vuk Vukovic


    Have you took a look at our testing site?

    When wpml-config.xml is present in plugin root strings are available for translation in WPML > String translation.

    You can filter and search for them in String translation.

    Warm regards



    The wpml-config.xml has been added by the dev but the strings are not translated on the front end, it’s always the same.
    Can you point me to the right setup/way to make it work.
    Best regards

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