Translate months in widget
I’m trying to translate the months for a website of a client and I can’t find any way to make it work.
I’m using this shortcode in a basic text widget for a sidebar:
[wpp header=’?????? ?????’ cat=’3,4,5′ post_type=’post’ cat=’786,787,788,789′ limit=5 range=’last30days’ order_by=’views’ freshness=’1′ stats_date=1 stats_date_format=’j F, Y’ thumbnail_width=100 thumbnail_height=75 post_html=’
<div class=”custom-post-list-mostviewed-thumb”>{thumb}</div>
<div class=”custom-post-list-mostviewed-details”>{title}
<div class=”wpp-stats”>{date}</div>
This is the date format: j F, Y
Since the date format displays the months in fully written form, I need a way to show the months in Arabic, but they keep showing up in English.
Site language is set to Arabic in WordPress General Options on /wp-admin/options-general.php.
Tried multiple ways of doing it with str_ireplace, but the Month names are always in English instead of Arabic.
Please help!
<div class=”custom-post-list-mostviewed-thumb”>{thumb}</div>
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