Hi @anne1101,
Yes, once the wp-content/languages/plugins/better-wp-security-de_DE.po file is opened in Poedit it will say 837 of 838 (99%) translated (The string “Backup” is missing the plural translation). Don’t be fooled by the 99% because the current German plugin translation is only 39% completed as indicated on translate.wordpress.com. Apparently translation strings submitted but waiting for approval and/or untranslated on translate.wordpress.com are not yet included in the .po file (Learned something new … ). When the translation on translate.wordpress.com is 100% completed the .po file will contain 1761 strings.
It does by the way contain the string “Das Passwort wurde nicht aktualisiert.”(The password has not been updated.)
Since Poedit doesn’t allow you to add a new string use something like Notepad to add the new translation string:
#: core/modules/strong-passwords/Strength_Requirement.php:84
msgid “Due to site rules, a strong password is required. Please choose a new password that rates as Strong on the meter.”
msgstr “”
(There is not supposed to be an empty line between the first and second line but for some reason I can’t get rid of it)
Then use Poedit to add the translation (Aufgrund von Website-Regeln ist ein starkes Passwort für dein Konto erforderlich. Bitte w?hle ein neues Passwort, welches als Stark auf dem Z?hler bewertet wird.) and save the file. Make sure to upload/replace both: .po and .mo files. WordPress only uses the .mo file.
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by