• Resolved jiomphe



    I bought the extension “Stripe Payment Gateway” last night, and since then, I try to change the “Pay with Stripe” on the invoice of my customers in “Pay my bill” (In French, I do not want that STRIPE appears in the translation) and I still can not.

    I used Loco translate and Poedit but the change is not taken into account on the invoices of my customers.

    I have purged all caches, both server side and client side.

    Can you help me, please?

    Thank you in advance.

    Yours truly

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  • This snippet helps putting it together:

    add_filter( 'sliced_get_gateway_stripe_label', 'sliced_customize_stripe_gateway_label' );
    function sliced_customize_stripe_gateway_label( $label ) {
    	return 'Pay by Credit Card'; // or your custom label could be here instead

    Hi i have the same feed back , stripe is unkown and the customer don t understand.
    could you replace the message by “pay with credit card”

    so could you explain where i need to put your code andrew ? @ndrwrv

    ok i ve got it
    it s workking , thanks for the snippet @ndrwrv)

    Hi Andrew , @ndrwrv
    with the new version 2.0 what is the process to change ” pay with stripe ” by “pay with credit card”

    Many thanks

    Hello there

    I’ve just checked the updated version 2.0 of the Stripe payment method extension with the same and good old snippet above. And the payment button label has been changed fine. Please check this on your side. Maybe your functions.php file has been modified and the snippet isn’t present there anymore.

    Kindest regards,

    Thread Starter jiomphe



    Thank you for your message.

    Indeed, after updating to 2.0, I had to add the piece of code in the functions.php my theme.

    Some bugs and suggestions:

    – When you want to add a new client, you did well to integrate a search engine, but this search engine is failing because it does not return all the data related to a keyword.
    For example, for a keyword “travis” it returns only two results whereas there are at least 4 or 5 results including this key word.
    I checked several times.

    – Have you taken into account the new SCA regulations when updating? (SCA = Strong customer authentication)
    I actually received an email from Stripe telling me that payments from my clients could be rejected if my Stripe payment extension was not updated with this new policy.
    Here is the link for more information on this new regulation: https://stripe.com/docs/strong-customer-authentication

    Thank you

    Hello there

    Probably, the search engine provides only basic search to speed up the search process. Let’s find out which fields are ignored. Perhaps, we will include them in the future releases. You’re welcome suggesting your ideas on the Feature requests page.

    The SCA compliance has been fully met just before the new policy has taken into action. So please ignore this annoying warnings from Stripe and enjoy Sliced Invoices.

    Kindest regards,

    Thread Starter jiomphe


    Thank you for your reply.

    The problem with this search engine is that you can not manually choose the desired name from a list.
    Can not roll up the list of nicks as before, so if the search engine does not return all the occurrences of a keyword, you can not create an estimate if the nickname of the recipient does not appear in the occurrences returned by the engine of research.

    Do you have an idea to work around or fix this block?

    Thank you in advance.

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