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  • Hi joant6,

    The plugin is set up with all of the correct WordPress translation functions. I’m not sure why it’s not working for you. Unfortunately, I’ve never dealt with WPML myself so I’m not sure where to start looking to debug the problem.

    Does WPML display any errors for you when you try to load the files?



    Same problem… Is there a solution?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi cirowp,

    I’m sorry to hear this. Is WPML reporting any errors or anything that might help me debug the issue? I don’t have WPML to test myself.

    I took a look at my commits since the last version and noticed a small fix to the .pot file. You can try opening the .pot file in /languages/ and deleting the lines in red shown on this page. If that fixes anything for you, please let me know!

    Sorry I can’t be more helpful.



    I don’t use WPML, I haven’t it.
    I have done this:
    1) I edit the POT file with POEDIT and I create the two files & it_IT.po but it doesn’t work.

    So I’ve translated some strings directly in PHP file, for example: Setting.class.php
    Any other ideas?

    Are you putting the and it_IT.po files in your /wp-content/plugins/restaurant-reservations/languages/ folder? That’s where they’re created by the Loco Translate plugin.

    I just tested an it_IT translation and it worked fine for me, so I’m not sure what would be causing the problem. But you should be able to try out that plugin to see if it generates .mo/.po files that work for you.



    Yes… the two files and it_IT.po are in the Language default folder. I’ve corrected the last string in the pot file that give the red error
    (-#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
    -msgid “”
    -msgstr “”)
    and then I’ve generated the .mo and .po files .

    …but have a look about this condition:
    I’m trying a WordPress installation in a subdirectory of my server(Aruba), for example my wordpress site is in .
    So the Language folder is in
    Can it be the problem?

    Hi cirowp,

    Having the site in a subdirectory shouldn’t matter. At least I’m not aware of any issue that would cause.

    I pushed out an update yesterday with a corrected .pot file. It removed that last string giving the error, but also added some strings that are new to this version. Maybe try generating a .mo and .po file from that .pot and see if that helps?

    It sounds to me like the translation file is just not being loaded. Are other aspects of your website loading the translated files, like WordPress itself and other plugins?



    Hi NateWr,
    Plugin update as suggested. The pot file give me an error Abou the plural form anyway I’ve solved that error and I’ve generated the .mo & .po files. I’m sorry but the transaltion doesn’t work.
    Can you give me your italian transaltiion test?
    Your plugin loads the Language setting but not the and it_IT.po files.
    The calendar is in italian but not the form
    Look at this screenshoot

    Hi cirowp,

    The calendar and timepicker languages are loaded separately from the rest of the plugin, because this is an external library that’s being used.

    If you contact me through the form on my site, I’ll email you a copy of the .mo and .po files I used to test the it_IT language. Then we can at least figure out if it’s a file issue or an issue with the site setup.



    Hi Nate…
    finally we solved the problem ??
    The plugin folder contains the rtbdomain.pot file in the its own Language folder.
    Using Poedit I generate the following two Language files: and rtbdomain-it_IT.po
    That’s all… don’t use other name for this two Language files.
    SO the most important thing to know is to keep “rtbdomain-xx_XX” form(where xx_XX is the standard Language name of your wanted languages).
    Thanks Nate for your help and your great plugin.



    Hi dear Nate!… Here I am again.
    I’ve updated to the last version of the plugin (1.2.2). When I rty to translate the file rtbdomain.pot I get an error about the plural form.
    The software Poedit give me this message: invalid nplurals value

    The correct name of the Language file is rtbdomain-it_IT, isn’t it?
    Thanks again!

    Hi cirowp,

    Yes, I believe the file should be called rtbdomain-it_IT. Does the Poedit error message mention any specific line in the file?



    No… Poedit talks about an error marked in red, but it doesn’t appear among all the strings and I can’t see where the error is…
    Try to translate your rtbdomain.pot file with Poedit and you’ll understand.
    See you soon.

    Hi cirowp,

    Sorry you’re having trouble. I’ll try to get some time to try it out in Poedit soon, but it may not be right away. Have you tried using a plugin like Loco Translate? I’ve never had any problems using it with my plugins.

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