• Resolved xoconostle


    Hello. Where can i change “LATEST POSTS” for “úLTIMAS NOTICIAS” for example?
    Its the same with “LEAVE A COMMENT” and “posted BY”, I’m traying to translate to spanish a few things.
    Thank you!

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  • Para realizar ese cambio tienes que ir al archivo custom.js que esta ubicado en la carpeta JS del theme y cambiar en el codigo :

    titleText: ‘LATEST POST ‘, por

    titleText: ‘Ultimas Noticias ‘,

    LATEST POSTS – custom.js

    posted BY probably in template-tags.php

    LEAVE A COMMENT – content-search.php

    Try to use phpStorm (30 days trial) to find it ;). Import the profitmag directory as a project and click Ctrl+Shift+F (Find in Path) or right click on the profitmag directory and choose “Find in Path” from a context menu ;).

    Hi! Leave a comment and add comment you can find in catalogue

    Theme Author Rigorous Themes


    Please try this plugin to translate https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/loco-translate/

    and change line

    profitmag-functions.php line
    $ form [‘title_reply’] = ‘<span class = “bordertitle-red”> </ span> Leave a comment’; and you change so wish.

    And where can we translate ‘Related Post’? It’s not on the loco-translate file

    How do I translate the ‘search’? thanks

    And also the “posted in” and “leave a comment” on page lists articles that come from a specific category. thank you


    To translate “Related Post” you fil find it in content-single.php

    `<div class=”related-post”>
    <h2 class=”block-title”><span class=”bordertitle-red”></span><?php echo _e( ‘Noticias Relacionadas’, ‘profitmag’); ?></h2>
    <?php profitmag_related_post( get_the_ID() ); ?>

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