Thank you for reaching us!
If the placeholder is not found in the string list, you can use our Conditional Shortcode Based On Language to display different content for different languages https://translatepress.com/docs/translation-shortcode/, or if your website is built with Elementor, you can restrict the modules based on language using our Restrict by Language integration: https://translatepress.com/docs/restrict-by-language/elementor-integration/.
Also, we have similar integrations with Oxygen Builder, https://translatepress.com/docs/restrict-by-language/oxygen-builder-integration/, and WP Bakery, https://translatepress.com/docs/restrict-by-language/wpbackery-integration/.
We wanted to let you know also that we just released a Facebook community where you can share your thoughts with other TranslatePress users, ask for help and help other create a better multilingual experience for their clients.
?If you want to take part of that, feel free to join it:
?See you on the other side.