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  • Hi from the Swedish translation team.
    It would have been great to show you the link to where we translate WordPress itself and (most of) the free plugins, namely:

    But, unfortunately, the plugin developer needs to fix some problems in the plugin code before that can happen:

    1. Every call to the translation functions should use a different plugin-textdomain. Instead of se-wc-google-reviews the plugin slug should be used, i.e. easy-wc-google-merchant-center-reviews

    2. Also: The trunk/readme tag “Stable tag: 1.0.3” means that there SHOULD BE a directory /tags/1.0.3/ If you want the plugin to be built from trunk, then please use “Stable tag: trunk” instead.

    Now, over to @plue
    You can probably get it working by using languages/easy-wc-google-merchant-center-reviews.pot to create a Swedish translation, using poedit (standalone computer program) or Loco Translate (WordPress plugin).
    Once you’ve got a translation, you need to generate a .mo file, name it and upload it to wp-content/languages/plugins/

    Plugin Author storessential


    Hi @plue

    Thank you for offering to help translate the plugin into Swedish. Apologies that the plugin isn’t ready for translation. I shall make the changes mentioned by @tobifjellner and get an update released in the next few weeks in order to allow you to contribute to the translation.


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