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  • Thread Starter yoyopoubbox


    After hours of manipulations, adding codes, changing codes…
    I get it full translated by mylself ??
    Best regards.

    yoyopoubbox :

    how can i traslate the buttom cat dog small medium large..???
    i have traslated all, but this i cant find:

    Thread Starter yoyopoubbox


    First, the back end.
    In the file fosterme.php you can translate the back-end, when you create a new pet.
    Here are the lines with my translations in French. I have added a lot of animal species.

    <div class=”pfo__row-fluid” style=”padding: 25px;margin: 5px 0;”>
    <div class=”pfo__span2″>
    Animal :
    <select name=”foster_type”>
    <option value=”Chat” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Chat”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Chien” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Chien”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Souris” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Souris”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Chinchilla” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Chinchilla”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Rat” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Rat”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Hamster” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Hamster”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Octodon” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Octodon”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Ecureuil” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Ecureuil”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Gerbille” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Gerbille”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Chien de prairie” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Chien de prairie”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>Chien de prairie</option>
    <option value=”Fennec” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Fennec”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Hermine” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Hermine”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Moufette” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Moufette”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Vison” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Vison”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Tortue” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Tortue”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Iguane” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Iguane”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Gecko” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Gecko”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Caméléon” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Caméléon”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Araignée” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Araignée”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Grenouille” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Grenouille”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Crapaud” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Crapaud”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Oiseau” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Oiseau”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Poisson” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Poisson”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Primate” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Primate”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Cochon d’Inde” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Cochon d’Inde”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>Cochon d’Inde</option>
    <option value=”Vache” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Vache”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Cheval” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Cheval”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Cochon” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Cochon”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Lapin” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Lapin”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Serpent” <?php
    if ($foster_type == “Serpent”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <div class=”pfo__span2″>
    Age :
    <select name=”foster_age”>
    <option value=”Bébé” <?php
    if ($foster_age == “Bébé”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>0 à 6 mois</option>
    <option value=”Jeune” <?php
    if ($foster_age == “Jeune”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>6 mois à 2 ans</option>
    <option value=”Adulte” <?php
    if ($foster_age == “Adulte”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>2 à 7 ans</option>
    <option value=”Senior” <?php
    if ($foster_age == “Senior”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>+ de 7 ans</option>
    <div class=”pfo__span2″>
    Taille :
    <select name=”foster_size”>
    <option value=”Petit” <?php
    if ($foster_size == “Petit”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Moyen” <?php
    if ($foster_size == “Moyen”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Grand” <?php
    if ($foster_size == “Grand”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Très grand” <?php
    if ($foster_size == “Très grand”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>Très grand</option>
    <div class=”pfo__span2″>
    Sexe :
    <select name=”foster_gender”>
    <option value=”Femelle”<?php
    if ($foster_gender == “Femelle”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Male” <?php
    if ($foster_gender == “Male”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Mixte”<?php
    if ($foster_gender == “Mixte”) {
    echo “selected”;
    ?>>Mixte avec bébés</option>
    <div class=”pfo__span2″>
    Priorité :
    <select name=”foster_urgency”>
    <option value=”Priorité basse” <?php
    if ($foster_urgency == “Priorité basse”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Priorité moyenne” <?php
    if ($foster_urgency == “Priorité moyenne”) {
    echo “selected”;
    <option value=”Priorité haute” <?php
    if ($foster_urgency == “Priorité haute”) {
    echo “selected”;
    </div><!–end dropdown row–>
    <div class=”pfo__row-fluid” style=”border-top: 1px solid #ccc;padding: 25px;margin: 5px 0;”>
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <?php /*—————————//////////CHECKBOXES///////————————————-*/?>
    <!———SPECIAL NEEDS————->
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_special_sick == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_special_sick” /> Traitement médical ?
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_special_injured == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_special_injured” /> Blessé(e) ?
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_special_stressed == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_special_stressed” /> Stressé(e) ?
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_special_maternity == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_special_maternity” /> Enceinte ?
    <div class=”pfo__row-fluid” style=”border-top: 1px solid #ccc;padding: 25px;margin: 5px 0;”>
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_trait_dog_friendly == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_trait_dog_friendly” /> S’entend avec les chiens ?
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_trait_cat_friendly == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_trait_cat_friendly” /> S’entend avec les chats ?
    <div class=”pfo__span3″>
    <input type=”checkbox” <?php
    if ($foster_trait_kid_friendly == “on”) {
    echo “checked”;
    } ?>
    name=”foster_trait_kid_friendly” /> S’entend avec les enfants ?

    Thread Starter yoyopoubbox


    In the file foster_pet_single.php

    if ($foster_special_sick == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_special_sick=’Sick’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2″><span class=”icoFoster-sick foster-icon-tag” title=”Sick”></span><span class=”textFoster-sick foster-tag-text”>Traitement</span>’;}
    if ($foster_special_injured == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_special_injured=’Injured’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2″><span class=”icoFoster-hurt foster-icon-tag” title=”Injured”></span><span class=”textFoster-injured foster-tag-text”>Blessé(e)</span>’;}
    if ($foster_special_stressed == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_special_stressed=’Stressed’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2″><span class=”icoFoster-stressed foster-icon-tag” title=”Stressed”></span><span class=”textFoster-stressed foster-tag-text”>Stressé(e)</span>’;}
    if ($foster_special_maternity == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_special_maternity=’Maternity’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2″><span class=”icoFoster-maternity foster-icon-tag” title=”Maternity”></span><span class=”textFoster-maternity foster-tag-text”>Enceinte</span>’;}
    if ($foster_trait_dog_friendly == ‘on’ && $display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_trait_dog_friendly = ‘Dog Friendly’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2 foster-friendly-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-dog-friendly foster-icon-tag” title=”Dog Friendly”></span><span class=”textFoster-dog-friendly foster-tag-text”>Entente chiens</span>’;}
    if ($foster_trait_cat_friendly == ‘on’ && $display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_trait_cat_friendly = ‘Cat Friendly’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2 foster-friendly-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-cat-friendly foster-icon-tag” title=”Cat Friendly”></span><span class=”textFoster-cat-friendly foster-tag-text”>Entente chats</span>’;}
    else {$foster_trait_cat_friendly=”;}
    if ($foster_trait_kid_friendly == ‘on’ && $display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_trait_kid_friendly = ‘Kid Friendly’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”pfo__span2 foster-friendly-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-kid-friendly foster-icon-tag” title=”Kid Friendly”></span><span class=”textFoster-kid-friendly foster-tag-text”>Entente enfants</span>’;}
    else {$foster_trait_kid_friendly=”;}
    //////END TAG ICONS////?>

    Thread Starter yoyopoubbox


    Finally, in foster_pet_archive.php you have to add exactly the same species, sizes… that in fosterme.php

    //Create button lists
    // TYPE
    foreach( $types as $type ) {
    if ( $type==”Chat” || $type==”Chien” || $type==”Cochon d’Inde” || $type==”Vache” || $type==”Cheval” || $type==”Cochon” || $type==”Lapin” || $type==”Serpent” || $type==”Souris” || $type==”Chinchilla” || $type==”Rat” || $type==”Hamster” || $type==”Octodon” || $type==”Ecureuil” || $type==”Gerbille” || $type==”Chien de prairie” || $type==”Fennec” || $type==”Hermine” || $type==”Moufette” || $type==”Vison” || $type==”Tortue” || $type==”Iguane” || $type==”Gecko” || $type==”Caméléon” || $type==”Araignée” || $type==”Grenouille” || $type==”Crapaud” || $type==”Oiseau” || $type==”Poisson” || $type==”Primate”){//leave out Mixed
    $type_list .= ‘<li class=”btn” data-group=’.fosterme_value_condensed($type).’><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>’.$type.'</span>’;
    // AGE
    foreach( $ages as $age ) {
    if ( $age==”Bébé” || $age==”Jeune” || $age==”Adulte” || $age==”Senior”){//leave out Mixed
    $age_list .= ‘<li class=”btn” data-group=’.fosterme_value_condensed($age).’><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>’.$age.'</span>’;
    // SIZE
    foreach( $sizes as $size ) {
    if ( $size==”Petit” || $size==”Moyen” || $size==”Grand” || $size==”Très grand”){//leave out Mixed
    $size_list .= ‘<li class=”btn” data-group=’.fosterme_value_condensed($size).’><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>’.$size.'</span>’;
    // GENDER
    foreach( $genders as $gender ) {
    if ( $gender==”Femelle” || $gender==”Male” || $gender==”Mixte”){//leave out Mixed
    $gender_list .= ‘<li class=”btn” data-group=’.fosterme_value_condensed($gender).’><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>’.$gender.'</span>’;
    $mustbe_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span4 trait-dog-friendly-btn” data-group=”Dog-Friendly”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-dog-friendly foster-icon”></div>Chiens</span>’;
    $mustbe_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span4 trait-cat-friendly-btn” data-group=”Cat-Friendly”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-cat-friendly foster-icon”></div>Chats</span>’;
    $mustbe_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span4 trait-kid-friendly-btn” data-group=”Kid-Friendly”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-kid-friendly foster-icon”></div>Enfants</span>’;
    $special_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span3 special-sick-btn” data-group=”Sick”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-sick foster-icon”></div>Traitement</span>’;
    $special_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span3 special-injured-btn” data-group=”Injured”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-hurt foster-icon”></div>Blessé(e)</span>’;
    $special_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span3 special-stressed-btn” data-group=”Stressed”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-stressed foster-icon”></div>Stressé(e)</span>’;
    $special_list .= ‘<li class=”btn btn-with-icon pfo__span3 special-maternity-btn” data-group=”Maternity”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”><div class=”icoFoster-maternity foster-icon”></div>Enceinte</span>’;

    /* =============================================================

    Then this

    <div class=”pfo__header”>
    <div class=”pfo__row-fluid”>
    <?php add_option(“foster-me”, $pet_foster_options);
    $pet_foster_options = get_option(‘foster-me’);?>
    <?php if ($pet_foster_options[‘pfo_optionssection_remove’]!=’on’){?>
    <!–show options–>
    <div class=”pfo__span4″ id=”toggle-petOptions-holder”>
    <div id=”toggle-petOptions” class=”pfo__hoverme toggle-petOptions”>
    <?php if ($pet_foster_options[‘pfo_hideoptionssection_default’]==’on’){?>
    <span class=”toggle-petOptions-text”>Afficher les options</span>
    <span class=”icoFoster-show”></span></div>
    <?php } else {?>
    <span class=”toggle-petOptions-text”>Cacher les options</span>
    <span class=”icoFoster-hide”></span></div>
    <?php }?>
    <?php } else{ ?>
    <div class=”pfo__span4″></div>
    <?php }?>

    <!–search bar–>
    <div class=”pfo__span4″ id=”pfo__search-icon-container”>
    <span id=”pfo__search-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-search”></span></span>
    <input class=”filter__search js-shuffle-search” type=”text” placeholder=”Recherche par nom d’animal”>

    <!–petOptions headline–>
    <div class=”pfo__span4″>

    <div class=”pfo__header-icon pfo__hoverme” id=”pfo__fosterform-btn” title=”Foster Form”>
    “><span class=”icoFoster-application”></span><span class=”pfo__header-title”>Tous les animaux</span>
    </div><!–end SPAN–>

    </div><!–end top row–>
    </div><!–end header–>

    Then this

    <div class=”pfo__span3 petOption-section”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>Animal</p>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group OR-fosterme__btn-group”>
    <?php echo $type_list;?>
    <li class=”btn allbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>Tous</span>
    <!–end btn-group–>
    </div><!–end span–>
    <div class=”pfo__span3 petOption-section”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>Taille</p>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group”>
    <?php echo $size_list;?>
    <li class=”btn allbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>Toutes</span>
    <!–end btn-group–>
    </div><!–end span–>
    <div class=”pfo__span3 petOption-section”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>Age</p>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group”>
    <?php echo $age_list;?>
    <li class=”btn allbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>Tous</span>
    <!–end btn-group–>
    </div><!–end span–>
    <div class=”pfo__span3 petOption-section”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>Sexe</p>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group OR-fosterme__btn-group”>
    <?php echo $gender_list;?>
    <li class=”btn allbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>Tous</span>
    <!–end btn-group–>
    </div><!–end span–>
    </div><!–end row–>
    <div class=”pfo__row-fluid”>
    <!–MUST BE–>
    <?php if($display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){ //only show friendly section if box is checked?>
    <div class=”pfo__span4 petOption-section friendlyWith-section”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>S’entend avec les …</p>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group lookingFor-optionGroup”>
    <?php echo $mustbe_list;?>
    <!–<li class=”btn allbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>All</span>–>
    <!–end btn-group–>
    </div><!–end span–>
    <?php }?>
    <?php if($display_specialOps == ‘on’){ //only show special care section if box is checked?>
    <div class=”pfo__span5 petOption-section specialOps-section”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>Soins spéciaux</p>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group OR-fosterme__btn-group”>
    <?php echo $special_list;?>
    <!–<li class=”btn allbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>All</span>–>
    <!–end btn-group–>
    </div><!–end span–>
    <?php }?>

    <?php if($display_mustbeOps == ‘on’ || $display_specialOps == ‘on’){?>
    <div class=”pfo__span2 pfo__resetbutton” style=”margin:0;width:auto;”>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group”>
    <li class=”btn viewallbtn” data-group=”all”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>Remettre à zéro</span>

    </div><!–end span–>
    <?php }
    <div class=”pfo__span2 pfo__resetbutton” style=”float:right”>
    <ul class=”filter-options fosterme__btn-group”>
    <li class=”btn viewallbtn” data-group=”all” style=”margin:0;”><span class=”pfo__hoverme”>Reset</span>

    </div><!–end span–>
    <?php }?>

    </div><!–end row–>
    </div><!–end pet options–>

    <div class=”container-icons”>
    <div class=”pfo__row-fluid”>
    <div class=”pfo__span3 pull-right” id=”icon-sorting”>
    <p class=”filter__label”>Trier par :</p>
    <select class=”sort-options”>
    <option value=””>Derniers arrivés</option>
    <option value=”urgency”>Urgences</option>
    <option value=”title”>Noms</option>
    <div id=”noPetsCriteria-msg” class=”noPetsFound-msg”>Désolé, aucun animal ne correspond à vos critères actuels de recherche.</div>
    <div id=”noPetsName-msg” class=”noPetsFound-msg”>Désolé, aucun animal présent au refuge ne porte ce nom.</div>

    Then this

    //////START TAG ICONS////
    if ($foster_special_sick == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
    $foster_special_sick=’Sick’;$icon_tags_list .=’

    • <span class=”icoFoster-sick foster-icon-tag” title=”Sick”></span><span class=”textFoster-sick foster-tag-text”>Traitement</span>
    • ‘;}
      if ($foster_special_injured == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
      $foster_special_injured=’Injured’;$icon_tags_list .=’

    • <span class=”icoFoster-hurt foster-icon-tag” title=”Injured”></span><span class=”textFoster-injured foster-tag-text”>Blessé(e)</span>
    • ‘;}
      if ($foster_special_stressed == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
      $foster_special_stressed=’Stressed’;$icon_tags_list .=’

    • <span class=”icoFoster-stressed foster-icon-tag” title=”Stressed”></span><span class=”textFoster-stressed foster-tag-text”>Stressé(e)</span>
    • ‘;}
      if ($foster_special_maternity == ‘on’ && $display_specialOps == ‘on’){
      $foster_special_maternity=’Maternity’;$icon_tags_list .=’

    • <span class=”icoFoster-maternity foster-icon-tag” title=”Maternity”></span><span class=”textFoster-maternity foster-tag-text”>Enceinte</span>
    • ‘;}
      /*DOG FRIENDLY*/
      if ($foster_trait_dog_friendly == ‘on’ && $display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){
      $foster_trait_dog_friendly = ‘Dog Friendly’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”foster-friendly-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-dog-friendly foster-icon-tag” title=”Dog Friendly”></span><span class=”textFoster-dog-friendly foster-tag-text”>Entente chiens</span>’;}
      /*CAT FRIENDLY*/
      if ($foster_trait_cat_friendly == ‘on’ && $display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){
      $foster_trait_cat_friendly = ‘Cat Friendly’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”foster-friendly-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-cat-friendly foster-icon-tag” title=”Cat Friendly”></span><span class=”textFoster-cat-friendly foster-tag-text”>Entente chats</span>’;}
      else {$foster_trait_cat_friendly=”;}
      /*KID FRIENDLY*/
      if ($foster_trait_kid_friendly == ‘on’ && $display_mustbeOps == ‘on’){
      $foster_trait_kid_friendly = ‘Kid Friendly’;$icon_tags_list .='<li class=”foster-friendly-icon”><span class=”icoFoster-kid-friendly foster-icon-tag” title=”Kid Friendly”></span><span class=”textFoster-kid-friendly foster-tag-text”>Entente enfants</span>’;}
      else {$foster_trait_kid_friendly=”;}
      //////END TAG ICONS////

    Thread Starter yoyopoubbox


    Give me your mail if you want i can send you my php files to compare and my internet site address to show the final result.

    thanks a lot friend !!!

    Is there some spanish translation?
    Can we colaborate in a spanish translation?

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