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  • Plugin Author Maarten


    Hi Edvind,

    What language would you like to include? You’re right, I’ll need to include instructions so others can translate too.

    Thread Starter edvind


    I would like to include a Swedish translation

    Plugin Author Maarten


    hi Edvind,

    The keys that need translating can be found here:

    Everything that is a ‘msgid’, needs a Swedish translation in the ‘msgstr’ field.

    If you can supply me with that, I’ll include it in the next version. Does that work for you?

    Thread Starter edvind


    Thank you, here you go:

    Plugin Author Maarten


    awesome! Will be in the next version which shouldn’t be too far along now ??

    Hello Mr. Belmans,

    thanks a lot for this amazing wordpress plugin.
    I found to issues in the german translation, but I am noch able to change them, because changing the po-file doesn’t seem to take effect. Changing the mo-files ist messing up the generated display – letters of in the day names are missing.

    So, here are the issues:
    – it has to be “Geschlossen” not “Abgeschlossen”
    – it has to be “Jan” not “J?n” for January (except for Austria, where J?nner means January, in Germany it is Januar)

    Thanks a lot and best greetings from Germany
    Dimitar Stoykow jr.

    Hello again, Mr. Belmans,

    I found a way to convert the po-file into a valid mo-file via poedit.
    I could offer you a translation to bulgarian, if want?

    Kind regards
    Dimitar Stoykow jr.

    Plugin Author Maarten


    Hi @metrissimo,

    Sorry for my late reply, it’s best to start a new topic so that I see it on the top of my list :).

    I will include the German translations in the next update (coming soon). A Bulgarian version would be awesome! If you can send me a translated .po file, I can convert it and include it in the next update.



    I would like to translate the plugin to portuguese from Portugal (pt_PT). How can I do it?

    I’ve tried with poedit.exe but I dont have the .pot file.

    Best regards.


    Love to translate to Danish, where can i get the po file ?

    Best regards

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