• Plugin Author Chad Butler


    The WP-Members 3.0.5 release included a logic fix for loading the plugin’s translation file. Unfortunately, this created a bug that caused no translation file to load.


    WP-Members was released to fix this problem, so if you updated to version 3.0.5 and run WordPress in a localized language, please update to

    The rest of this post is just a description of where the bug was introduced and what was done to correct it.


    WP-Members is to be loaded into the www.ads-software.com translation project this week. In preparation for that and being able to load language packs from www.ads-software.com to the /wp-content/languages/ directory, the logic for loading the localization files was being reviewed for the 3.0.5 release.

    All of this is part of the function wpmem_load_textdomain() located at the end of the wp-members.php file.

    In evaluating the function, I noticed a logic error where the plugin checks to see if the language pack is available and if not, load from the plugin’s /lang/ directory.

    The comparison test was as follows:
    ( $loaded = load_textdomain( $domain, $file ) )

    This would not evaluate as the comparison operator should have been “==” (is equal to) and not “=”.

    In adding that change, which fixed the comparison test, I had also defined $loaded because now that the comparison was fixed, if $loaded was undefined, that would return an undefined notice. So this was added to define $loaded:

    $loaded = false;

    That fixed the undefined error, but the problem is that it should have been defined as true. Otherwise, the fixed comparison logic would always evaluate to return the language pack from the WP directory (which does not yet exist for most users) instead of the plugin’s /lang/ directory (which most users are using).

    Details of the fix: corrects that problem. It initially defines $loaded as true. It also corrects the directory for the WP language pack to /wp-content/languages/plugins/wp-members/ so that as language packs become available, you’ll be able to load those instead of the ones currently packaged with the plugin.


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  • Plugin Author Chad Butler


    BTW, thanks to the astute users who pointed this out early so I could get it fixed quickly!

    Thanks to my friend @HansReudi who emailed me early this morning. Also thanks to @mika123 and @herby55 who posted in the support forum right away.

    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    It also corrects the directory for the WP language pack to /wp-content/languages/plugins/wp-members/ so that as language packs become available, you’ll be able to load those instead of the ones currently packaged with the plugin.

    I incorrectly stated the path at the end of the above post – it actually goes to /wp-content/languages/plugins/ (which is what it should be).

    The language pack file name will be textdomain (wp-members) – locale (such as de_DE) .mo (example wp-members-de_DE.mo for German language pack).

    So the full path the to the language pack when the www.ads-software.com language packs are available and loaded will be:

    Thank you, the plugin WP members works perfectly fine according to languages now!




    I have the WP-Members 3.0.6 release and I can’t edit the tanslation file wherever it is. I try to edit “wp-content/plugins/wp-members/langwp-members-fr_FR.po” file it doesn’t work, I try to put this edited file in “/wp-content/languages/plugins/” too, as you said, even if it was not any wp-members file there. So I can’t edit wp-members-fr_FR.po file and then translate how I’d like. Because sometimes there is some uppercase letters or not breaking line so I need to write “\n” sometimes.
    It is the problem with the 3.0.6 release or I need to do something by myself?

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    You can’t just edit the .po file. A new .mo needs to be compiled from any edits. The .mo file is what the machine reads to implement translations so editing the .po without compiling an .mo and loading that won’t do anything.

    If you are going to make the effort to work on the translation, why not participate in the translation project:



    Thank you.

    When I try to edit the .po file I save this and I have a .mo file too. Then, I try to send these 2 files to “wp-content/plugins/wp-members/langwp-members-fr_FR.po” or “/wp-content/languages/plugins/” and even if I put there, the 2 files, nothing happend. The translation which one came with the plugin is working but when I try to do this by myself it isn’t. the .po file is save with my translation, but on my website it isn’t work, even if I clear my cache.

    I faced the same problem and solved with other language. You can Rename your PO and MO files under wp-content/plugins/wp-members/lang to wp-members-fr.mo and wp-members-fr.po. That’s it.

    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    Just to check, you put this in both of your posts:
    But it should be this:

    The first time I assumed it was a typo, but you put it twice, so be sure you are getting the file named correctly and in the right place.

    Second, all of this only works if you are running WordPress with the same locale (specifically fr_FR). If your locale is different, you may need to make changes (as @hellowm mentioned).

    Also, I would not recommend just changing the name of the file in the WP-Members /lang/ directory. If you have a custom file you want to load, you should use the wpmem_localization_file filter to load it. This filter is documented in the wp-members.php file towards the end. Basically, it is used like this:

    add_filter( 'wpmem_localization_file', function($file){
         return '/wp-content/languages/plugins/wp-members-fr_FR.mo';

    You should store any custom file somewhere it won’t be overwritten and change the path in the example to that location.

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