• Hello,

    I have big problems with codestyling localization plugin.
    1.- First problem is that I don′t find all words to translate in my po files.

    I scan the original language .po file from my theme.
    I create the file for the new language (if it is not created).
    I scan this new .po file.
    I know that not all words must be in .po file from my theme but for example…

    I want to translate this sentences from my blog:

    “By” admin “0 comments”.

    I had that problems:

    Po file es_ES.po
    I found “0 comments” in my .po file and I translate succesfully but I don′t find the word “By” in my .po file.

    I have the website in two languages and I made exaclty the same for catalan language.

    I create Po fine ca_ES.po and I search for the same words. I translated “0 comments” to catalan and I created “mo” file (exactly the same than in Spanish) but that word has not been translated and mo file is not created because I see an “X”. Why it happen?

    Let me nota that I see the next message in my admin of the plugin: Scripting Guard [ details ] The Plugin Codestyling Localization was forced to protect its own page rendering process against 999 incidents ! (Maybe this problem is related with qTranslate).

    Thanks for helping me!


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  • ekajuan


    I would like to answer the first problem:

    Words that can be translated has to contain the followings in the coding:
    echo __

    for example:
    echo __( ‘order:’ )
    _e( ‘order:’ );

    Maybe many words in your theme are not coded this way. If that’s the case, you have to find those words including the “by” in your files and change it manually.

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