Hi @itemz
Thanks for your translation contribution. At this time, the translations are managed by the WordPress community and any suggestion is appreciated.
It may be worth mentioning that complete translations for all major languages are in the works, though.
In any case, I have looked through your proposed translations and suggest some changes after reading through these two documents:
Primarily, I noticed some translations use the formal Sie
which would better suit the German (formal) translations, or capitalization that is not consistent with the official WooCommerce translations, e.g. auf "in Bearbeitung" oder "abgeschlossen" wechselt
The German translation team will fully review the translations when there was time to ensure consistency, but any improvement you could incorporate in your suggestions is also highly appreciated.
Until the translations were included officially, you could insert your own translations on your site, e.g. with a plugin like Loco Translate.
I hope this helps!
Kind regards,