Translation of some strings doesn’t work
The translation of a couple of strings in the registration page doesn’t work. This is because the string has an extra “.” at the end. The extra dot prevents the string from being found in the localization files.
In functions.php:
line 633:
$password_strength_description = ‘<br>’. sprintf( __( ‘The password must have a minimum strength of %s.’, ‘profile-builder’ )…should be:
$password_strength_description = ‘<br>’. sprintf( __( ‘The password must have a minimum strength of %s’, ‘profile-builder’ )line 622:
return sprintf(__(‘Minimum length of %d characters.’, ‘profile-builder’), $wppb_generalSettings[‘minimum_password_length’]);should be:
return sprintf(__(‘Minimum length of %d characters’, ‘profile-builder’), $wppb_generalSettings[‘minimum_password_length’]);
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