• Resolved albarosa



    I recently installed your plugin and unfortunately had to notice that there doesn’t seem to be an option to properly translate the important Aggregated Review Form.

    The following sentences/words have not been translated:

    1. *required = Pflichtfeld (in German)
    2. Your comment = Dein Kommentar (in German – informal), Ihr Kommentar (in German – formal), Kommentar verfassen (in German – neutral and recommended)
    3. Display name = Angezeigter Name (in German)
    4. By submitting your review, you agree to the terms and conditions. =
      Mit dem Absenden der Bewertung wird den Allgemeinen Gesch?ftsbedingungen zugestimmt. (in German – neutral)

    Especially the fourth point regarding the terms and conditions is quite critical since a German user who doesn’t speak English won’t understand what they are agreeing to.

    On your translation page: https://translate.www.ads-software.com/projects/wp-plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/stable/de/default/?filters%5Bterm%5D=Required&filters%5Bterm_scope%5D=scope_any&filters%5Bstatus%5D=current_or_waiting_or_fuzzy_or_untranslated&filters%5Buser_login%5D=&filter=Apply+Filters&sort%5Bby%5D=priority&sort%5Bhow%5D=desc

    I wanted to start translating these points, but I noticed that, for example, the first point had already been translated back in 2022!

    It seems that relying on a translation update here won’t be possible, and I would like to somehow translate the mentioned phrases so I can use your plugin.

    If there is no way for me to make these translations, could you please take care of this? Especially since the sentences in the Aggregated Review Form are essential for a German user to be able to use your plugin in compliance with the law, particularly regarding the fourth point about the terms and conditions.

    Thank you for a proposed solution, and best regards,

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by albarosa.
Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Plugin Support pistachio6321


    Thanks for the interest in our plugin!

    As I can see, the translations that you mentioned were added but not approved. Please refer to the section “I submitted a translation. Now what?” in this tutorial: How to Translate.

    We are plugin developers but unfortunately not translators. Therefore, WordPress doesn’t allow us to manage or approve translations even if they are for our plugin.

    As a next step, you can either contact one of the existing editors for your language and ask them to approve the translations or you can submit a PTE request and become a translation editor yourself. The process of submitting a PTE request is described in the same tutorial mentioned above.

    Thread Starter albarosa


    –> Thanks for the interest in our plugin!

    I should be the one thanking you for allowing me to use such an excellent plugin!

    –> As I can see, the translations that you mentioned were added but not approved. Please refer to the section “I submitted a translation. Now what?” in this tutorial: How to Translate.

    Thank you very much for the information. However, before I submit a request for review, it should perhaps be clarified what exactly should be approved. As I can see, there are different versions of the same translation because, in German, there is both a formal and an informal form of address.

    Which one should be chosen? Or can both be selected? However, I haven’t found anywhere in your plugin the option to choose between formal and informal, so I assume that only one string should be translated to avoid confusion. Is that correct?

    If so, which version should I request? The formal or the informal one? Or should I add a “neutral” new version? Because that would also be possible in this case!

    Here are the conflicts that currently exist (assuming only one possible translation can be chosen):

    1.) The word “Required” is translated twice. Once as: “*Pflichtfeld” and once as: “*Erforderlich”

    “*Pflichtfeld” fits the form better, so should I only request *Pflichtfeld? Yes?

    2.) Regarding the string “Your comment,” there are again two versions, the formal and the informal:

    Should I request the “informal form”? Because you can see in the third string (another translation) that the informal form has already been chosen in the past, so we should continue with the informal form to avoid confusion, right? Is that correct? Another option would be to add a completely new “neutral” string, with the German translation “Kommentar verfassen,” which means “Write a comment.” That would sound better and be neutral, suitable for everyone. Should I try to add a completely new string and request it? And what happens to the unused strings? Should they remain or be deleted?

    3.) With “Display Name,” it’s a similar situation. There are now three versions because I added one. The second version is incorrect, and the first one, in my opinion, doesn’t sound good. Should I request the third, newly added version? Should the other two be deleted?

    4.) Regarding –> “By submitting your review, you agree to the terms and conditions.”
    Here again, there are two unpublished versions, the formal and the informal:
    and the same questions arise. Which one should be requested? Should a neutral form be added? What happens to the remaining versions?

    I would generally suggest choosing a neutral form, and if that’s not possible, an informal one, as it seems that informal forms have already been approved (although I haven’t checked everything). Unless both formal and informal forms are supported, then of course the situation would change.

    Thank you for the clarification.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by albarosa.
    Plugin Support pistachio6321


    Unfortunately, we cannot answer these questions because we do not know German. You are the best expert here as a native speaker ??

    However, I see that WordPress has multiple locales for German language:

    1. German: https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/de/default/wp-plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/
    2. German (formal): https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/de/formal/wp-plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/
    3. German (Austria): https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/de-at/default/wp-plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/
    4. German (Switzerland): https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/de-ch/default/wp-plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/
    5. German (Switzerland) Informal: https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/de-ch/informal/wp-plugins/customer-reviews-woocommerce/

    The plugin will take the translation for one of them depending on what language locale you specify in the general settings of your WordPress site.

    As the default German locale is the most popular one, it is probably better to translate it. However, it shouldn’t be “formal” translations because there is a separate locale for “formal” translations.

    Thread Starter albarosa


    Hello @pistachio6321,

    The above-mentioned sentences/words have now been correctly translated into German, and unnecessary/incorrect translations have been removed.

    With that, the issue is resolved, and once again, a big compliment for this exceptionally well-developed plugin.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter albarosa



    Since further corrections need to be made, I had asked in the meantime if I could contribute to the translation of your plugin into German. However, the response was that you, as the plugin author, need to request permission for me to contribute to the translation of your plugin:




    Hi @albarosa,

    you can already contribute to the project I think. Same as me. You can suggest translations, however you can not approve translations unless you receive the rights of a project translator.

    And it seems an active project translator is missing because more that 700 entries are waiting for approval. And it’s even worse for the formal german translation project.

    Plugin Support pistachio6321


    Thanks for the follow-up!

    You do not need our permission to become a translation editor for the plugin. Please read the following paragraph from the link that you cited above:


    As a translator who understands and meets our General Expectations, you can request to become a PTE of any plugins, themes, or meta projects. You don’t need approval from plugin/theme authors to become PTE for their projects, since it’s the Polyglots community’s responsibility to manage the translation of all the projects hosted on www.ads-software.com directories.

    However, if the translation team insists on us nominating you as a German language editor for our plugin before approving the PTE request, please let us know, and we will happily nominate you ??

    Thread Starter albarosa



    Yes, I had already suggested translations, but it’s quite time-consuming to submit a written request for every single translation.

    And yes, the situation doesn’t look very good regarding the German translation for the plugin. Especially the review form should be properly translated; I’ve only submitted the bare minimum so far, without translations for the image upload option and other extras.

    I will try again to request project translator rights, although I think that even if it works out, one single active project translator is far too few.


    Okay, thanks for the info. I will pass this on to the German Polyglots team and keep you updated.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by albarosa.
    Thread Starter albarosa


    Hello @pistachio6321,

    I’ve now been approved as a PTE, and the most important reviews/approvals/translations have been completed. This mainly applies to the on-site product review form and the aggregated review form, as the end customer/reviewer will see them.

    There’s an issue with one sentence, but I’ve already asked for help and am waiting for a response.


    I happened to notice that you translated a few strings, and I’ve approved them. If you’re planning to translate more and don’t want to apply as a PTE to approve them yourself, just let me know, otherwise, they might get stuck in the long queue.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by albarosa.


    @albarosa Thanks for approving my translations. I just translated the remaining open entries.

    I doubt I have the time to be a PTE. I’m also not that familiar with the plugin as I only use very basic features.

    I guess, you need now to go through all 752 waiting entries and approve or reject them.

    And this could be time consuming, because some are written formal or informal.

    Also translations terms are not always consistent. E. g. :

    Store reviews are translated in several entries as: Shop Rezessionen, Shoprezessionen, Shop-Bewertungen or Ladenbewertungen. Also one entry uses Websitereviews.

    Maybe I can help with coping translations, when they are approved to the formal translation entries and make adjustments.

    Plugin Support pistachio6321


    @albarosa that’s great news! If you encounter any issues that require a development team support, just let us know ??

    Thread Starter albarosa



    Yes, you are right that the entire process of translating, proofreading, and/or approving is time-consuming, but as a PTE, you don’t have to translate everything. It’s all voluntary, and for me, one aspect was ensuring that the part customers see looks professional and is therefore correctly translated. Additionally, I find this plugin to be one of the top-class plugins because everything about it is spot on. It has been developed logically, practically, and aesthetically well. It’s flexible (thanks to customizable shortcodes) and even in the free version, it delivers everything it promises. It’s one of those plugins that pleasantly surprises you during setup—at least for me—and that’s why I’m happy to contribute by translating a little here and there to give something back.

    Regarding: “Store reviews are translated in several entries as: Shop Rezessionen, Shoprezessionen, Shop-Bewertungen or Ladenbewertungen. Also, one entry uses Websitereviews.

    Yes, that’s why there is a glossary, which standardizes the translation of terms. For example, “Bewertung” is always translated as “Rezension” to ensure a consistent style: https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/de/default/glossary/

    There is also a Style Guide: https://de.www.ads-software.com/mitwirken/style-guide-fuer-uebersetzungen/

    Regarding: “Maybe I can help with coping translations when they are approved to the formal translation entries and make adjustments.

    Yes, that could be an idea since you would only be copying what has already been approved and changing “Du” to the formal “Sie” form. You would just need to send me the link or links to the translated strings so they can be approved.

    I’m not sure if you use the formal WP version, but if so, the review form might be especially important since your customers will see it, and it would look odd if it contains a mix of english and german.

    Ok ??

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