• Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    First, I want to say a HUGE thank you to the folks doing translations. When you finish one, contact me here and https://zatzlabs.com/contact-us/ and I’ll make sure to get the translation into distribution.

    This sticky board is so you can let folks know you’re working on a translation and to discuss any general translation issues. For problems and specific items needing my attention (like bugs, etc), post those as regular support items.

    The idea of this sticky board is to make sure each of you knows who is working on what language.

    Again, thanks to everyone. This rocks!



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  • Hello there! I can definitely work further on the translation but I am pretty busy right now. Also, David, if you can let me know how I can take the previous translation ( i kept the files) and just translate what is missing, that would be great. I’m not an expert in translating with PO/MO files.

    Never mind, I figured it out. I am sending you the files, David. 100% of the POT file is translated in the MO file I am sending you. Regarding “donate button”, I am not sure what v3madmin is saying. I didn’t find any item with that name. All the occurrences of the word “Donate” are translated.

    Hi etlomb77,

    The donate button is a paypal image style button. So, the only solution to translate it is to translate the url of the source. Ex. /wp-content/plugins/seamless-donation/images/<?php _(“donate.png”); ?> and in mo file in french, you return donate_fr.png

    In that case, only David can do that, right? You can translate Donate by:
    “Faites un don” or “Donnez”
    You would have to make that image up with the appropriate text.

    Plugin Author David Gewirtz


    Unfortunately, the translation interface for WordPress has changed drastically in the last six months or so. I went into the Translate section of wp.org to download the appropriate file and everything is different.

    So, I need to do some reading and come up to speed on whatever the heck has happened with translation. At this point, I don’t know if even the same mechanism is in place.

    Sorry folks. There’s apparently now another big to-do on my list.


    P.S. Minor rant: I really hate it when we get something working and then have to do the work all over again. I spent a month last year figuring out translation. And now, back to the beginning. Sigh.

    Hi David,

    I know it’s not the place but I’m just trying your plugin in sandbox test. When the url /wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/seamless-donations-payment.php is called in post, I receive a 500 error without information about the error.

    Thank you !

    Hi David,

    I put a link to a print screen of the error.
    It’s very important to solve this because my customer wait for this.

    Print Screen

    Thank you !

    David, the screen capture mentioned above is simply a http 500 error, for your information. It does not show how the error happened.
    v3madin, can you post a detailed bug report? Thanks

    Hi etlomb77,

    Where I can find this detailed bug report ? And, if you see, It seems that the page is not working…

    Thank you

    @v3madmin: Follow the link I provided, click on your language (Fran?ais) and read the whole article.
    Then write a detailed bug report in this forum. I do not understand your problem. Saying “It doesn’t work” is not enough for us to help you. I hope you understand.
    Tu peux aussi m’envoyer un email en fran?ais si c’est plus facile pour toi (pas ici, c’est un forum en anglais.) Mon email est mon pseudo auquel tu rajoute “@gmail.com” Merci.

    Ok. Sorry!

    I forget the debug mode. ??

    So, I receive this error :

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SeamlessDonationsThisMonth_Widget in /home/fondatio/fondationladifference.ca/html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-donations/inc/widget.php on line 150

    Thank you !


    I think that I found the problem…
    I’ve tried in sandbox and all seems working.

    Let me look at it and if you have something, confirm me and same for me.

    Thank you!

    Hi etlomb77,

    The problem is solved. The file widget.php in folder inc created a problem to declare more than once. I added if !class_exist(). I tried a real-time donation and all is ok.

    Thank you !

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