• Here is the error I get when trying to implement the Transmenu Plugin:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argumented is expected to be a valid callback, ‘transFilterListPages’ was given in /home/pdxbc/www/www/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 59

    Any thoughts? thanks!


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  • Thread Starter Scott


    OK, I think I figured it out… fairly simple, just copy and paste and FILL IN the correct parameters for the trans_list_pages function and trans_add_menus function prior to activating this plugin. Then, it worked, though it doesn’t actually look exactly like the examples on the web. It still doesn’t format properly in IE7 and it now has broken my sliding jscript shelf, probably due to either a jscript or css conflict… I’m too wiped to try to comb through all the code to figure it out and am going to just not use this plugin until some of the bugs are ironed out.

    but where to fill in the parameters. sorry cant figure it out on my own. anyone has an example? thanx!!!!

    Thread Starter Scott


    <?php trans_list_pages(‘exclude=&sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’ ); ?>

    This could like like this inserted where you call it (for me i put it in header.php):

    trans_list_pages(‘title_li=&exclude=25=&sort_column=menu_order’ ); ?>

    you could change the menu_order to another parameter like post_title. The number “25” in my example is the page_id of the page I don’t want included in the menu (you can include multiple pages like this “exclude=25,26,27”.

    <?php trans_add_menus(); ?> – just make sure this is in footer.php before </body>

    I can’t get it to work!!!


    Articles and Quotes in the menu have subpages

    I also have a problem with this plugin as it seems the trans_list_pages does not really offer the exact same functionality as wp_list_pages does. I.E. I would like to translate my site, and I have successfully been using this plugin: https://www.poplarware.com/languageplugin.html

    it works in combination with wp_list_pages but when I use it with trans_list_pages, I see all page titles at once, while wp_list_pages shows me only the page title in the relevant language…

    I would have loved to psot on the plugins author page, but I can’t get through his anti spam question, its a basic math question, but still, it does not accept my comments ??

    The site is written in Portuguese so I can understand if that is the problem, but basically the question reads x + y.

    I also had some trouble posting with that anti-spam filter, but just kept at it, and eventually succeeded.

    hey guys,

    I will turn my anti-spam off…

    Ovidiu, this is an interesting question. If I have time Ill go after it. The language plugin should use some filter… it shoul be simple to resolve…

    About IE compatibility have a look here:


    ok, any more news on this topic?

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