Pioneer’s answer works if you want to remove the background of the main content area entirely, but in fact that area doesn’t need to be completely transparent. It’s quite possible to have a semi-transparent background if desired.
Try replacing the background
declaration in your .site-main
.site-main {
background: rgba(241, 236, 227, 0.5);
Compatibility note: IE8 and lower do not support alpha values and will produce the solid colour. You would need to use a workaround for those browsers: e.g. using one of Microsoft’s inbuilt CSS filters or setting a semi-transparent 1×1 image as the background instead of the rgba
(To avoid having to fiddle around with workarounds or fallbacks, I usually don’t bother with rgba
values at all. On this site, the semi-transparent background behind the slider text is created by means of a 1×1 repeating image that is served to all browsers.)