• Resolved Gracieface



    Was trying to back up my website before installing a new theme. Attempted using Dropbox plugin through www.ads-software.com site and it wouldn’t work. So I deactivated the Dropbox plugin. Then tried the Amazon backup (thru WP site again)and installed etc. When I activated it I was redirected to a new page and this came up:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method lang::init() in /nfs/c01/h13/mnt/38617/domains/partyallthetimeusa.com/html/wp-content/plugins/ready-ecommerce/classes/frame.php on line 83

    Now I cannot access my Dashboard or Admin pages at all. My actual site pops up with same message, and WordPress wont let me log in either. I get same message. I normally go to:


    and punch in password etc. But the Fatal Error message pops up on that page too. My site also has same message:


    If anyone has any input or advice to help me get back to my site it would be so appreciated. Been working on site all weekend and totally stuck. Praying all I’ve done is still intact.

    Thank you in advance for any guidance. Best xoxo

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • lisa


    have you tried to delete the plugin which seems to be related to the error?
    plugin: ready-ecommerce
    you can delete a plugin using FTP access when you are unable to get into the dashboard

    Thread Starter Gracieface


    Yes! Thank you for your reply! It was the plug in that caused it and after deleting it the site came back up. Phew… ??

    Thread Starter Gracieface


    Hi again contentiskey!

    Wanted to reach out to you again because you helped so much before. ?? And I posted a new question almost 8 hours ago and no reply… I’m a newbie so I may have done something wrong in my post? Here it is below:

    There are two duplicate menus that pop up when viewing my site on a mobile device.

    I’m using the “Pinboard” theme and it appears the default menu is the bar across the top. You can see this on a computer (on mobile pops up as that little square with lines indicating there’s a menu behind it)


    This is the menu I want to keep. The other menu is a duplicate of the bar menu and on a phone it is listed smack in the middle of the site overlapping text. You have to view on a phone to see that one. The second menu doesn’t appear on the site when viewing on a computer.

    Before reinstalling the Pinboard theme (long story) I did create a “Custom Menu” using a widget and adding it to the Appearance section. But after Pinboard was reset to default settings, their bar menu popped up and I deleted that widget I had installed… but it still shows up on a phone.

    Also, the main title of the page shows on main site, but not on a phone.

    And, I can’t get the font from the main page to appear on all pages without going in and changing each one by hand. The font in the “footer” won’t allow me to change it either. Feel like I’ve troubleshooted and changed so much within the settings to alter the above issues but so far no luck.

    And guidance would be so helpful! Thank you! ??

    Thread Starter Gracieface


    Oh my!… Just re-read “How to’s” and “do’s and don”ts” within forum and site rules and I think contacting you through this thread for another issue is a no no or harassment!!????

    Eek! I’m sorry! Newbie and learning ropes. No mal intent intended. Deepest apologies. Re-posted issue on new thread hopefully in correct forum.

    Thank you again for previous assistance. Hope you are having a wonderful day! ??



    No harm done. It is wise to create a new request for each issue.
    Sorry I was out of touch yesterday.

    Do you think the theme is faulty?
    Have you tested to see if the same issue happens on a theme like Twenty Fourteen or Twenty Fifteen?

    Are you using a child theme for the changes you mentioned?

    Thread Starter Gracieface


    Thank you for your reply!

    I do not believe the theme is faulty… only re-installed a couple days ago.

    Have not tested with another theme yet simply because the Pinboard theme is the one I am most familiar with and the one I watched all the tutorials on!!!… But I can test with another theme if necessary.

    To my knowledge I am not using a child theme… all I did was activate Pinboard. However, the web guy that set up my old site may have had a child theme before… but I tried to delete all he did and start anew by deleting the Pinboard theme, installing another theme (only for a moment) and then activating Pinboard again. Intending to start from scratch as it appears old web guy changed quite a bit to basic template.

    I would know if I was using a child theme right? Would have been something I had to set up personally?


    Is there a way to get ftp access to a wordpress hosted site?

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