• Dave333


    How to trigger the Adwords conversion code after someone has successfully sent a message using a form built with Contact Form 7.

    There have been many discussions on this topic but none have resulted in a solid solution. I have read many threads here and other places on the web, from creating virtual ‘Thank You’ pages, to HTML ‘Thank You’ pages, WordPress ‘Thank You’ pages, creating javascript files, creating functions with complex triggers, and more. Though there have been a lot of discussions none appear to have solved the problem.

    One method that worked for some is quite neat and simple and doesn’t involve creating a ‘Thank You’ page:

    Simply take the last part of your AdWords Conversion code and paste it into the first of the fields titled: “# Sender’s message was sent successfully” in the Messages section of your Contact form.

    Here’s a more detailed explanation:

    # Copy the last section of the conversion code generated from your Google Adwords account – the section between the divs (including the div tags themselves). Put it into TextEdit or Notepad or whatever text/code editor program you have and make the snippet of text Plain Text to remove any invisible formatting code.
    # In your WordPress Admin click on Contact in the left column.
    # Click on the form you want to set up the AdWords Conversion on.
    # Scroll down past the the Contact section, the Mail section, and the Mail (2) section down to the Messages section.
    # Then paste that Div section of code into the first field in the Messages section titled “# Sender’s message was sent successfully”. Example:

    "Your message was sent successfully. Thank you!" <div style="display:inline;"><img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1234567/?value=1&label=abcdefghijklmnop&guid=ON&script=0"/></div>

    # Save the form.

    Theoretically, the AdWords Conversion code in that div is triggered every time that “Your message was sent successfully. Thank you!” message is shown on the successful sending of the Contact form.

    I have implemented this method but it is not working for me even though others have found it to be a working solution.

    If anyone has been able to get this method to work, or has a variation of this method, or has any other solution to this problem please post it here so others who are struggling with this much requested feature can benefit.



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  • Thread Starter Dave333


    After implementing this and waiting several days for it to register in the AdWords Admin panel, I’ve found it to be not triggering the AdWords conversion code.

    Does anyone know of an alternative solution that works?

    Thread Starter Dave333


    For some reason the green box is loading each time, indicating that the JS is running OK but the code in the box was always being treated as if it were a message and was being displayed as such to the user. The intent, however, was for that code to be triggered and run, not to display as a message to the user.

    I have finally discovered a very simple method that actually works and triggers the code to run instead of displaying it to the user as a message.

    Just add this to the first of the Messages fields titled: “# Sender’s message was sent successfully”:

    Your message was sent successfully. <script> location.href="https://www.WEBSITE.com/thankyou.html"; </script>

    Enclosing the code in the script tags was what was required to trigger the code to run. I don’t know why this is required for some installations and not others but it was the only thing that worked for me. I spent over a week, many hours a day trying many different approaches, including some very complicated hacks. This simple code is the only thing that has worked so far.

    Hi Dave,

    Glad to hear you fixed the issue on your own. If you ever run into any issues again with tracking conversions in Contact Form 7, feel free to check out our plugin called Convertable. It features an easy-to-use form builder and automatically tracks the source of every lead, including from AdWords. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/convertable-contact-form-builder-analytics-and-lead-management-dashboard/

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