I am completely new to ModSecurity and OWASP. I do wonder, are you using CPanel to manage your hosting? I am and I don’t see anything having to do with ModSecurity. I assume my host doesn’t have it installed.
I wanted to share what I found that makes the most sense. Some talk of editing the ModSecurity on the host, or having the host do it. One of them talks about if there is a call to a file that has the word ‘cookie’ in it then it triggers. Both my plugin and the other you mention have the same jquery.cookie.js filename included. I am going to change this in the next update to not have cookie in the file name but not sure how to test it yet..
If you wanted to offer a begger a hand it would be two file edits to test if this is in fact the case. my problem, being the begger, is that I don’t have access to ModSecurity to tell us yay or nay. But, you do have access to my plugin files on your server I assume?
In the main plugin file called rss-llama.php, the following code:
wp_enqueue_script( "rss_llama_cookie", $this->rss_llama_url . "js/jquery.cookie.js", array("jquery"), "1.4.1", false );
would need to change to this: basically just the filename.
wp_enqueue_script( "rss_llama_cookie", $this->rss_llama_url . "js/rss-llama-wafer.js", array("jquery"), "1.4.1", false );
and then the file named jquery.cookie.js located in the /js folder would need to be renamed to rss-llama-wafer.js, so it matches the file call. Then, a deactive/reactive the plugin to see. that would be amazing if that is all it was.
But then, it also sounds like it is something that the WordPress and ModSecurity developters still need to work out with their error definitions, but would be nice to find out exactly what it is that triggers mine if not others. I hate to think I am doing something wrong here.