• I’m trying to implement a self-hosted CDN. I have Go Daddy Deluxe Hosting w/Linux.

    1.) I’ve created a subdomain: static.latinoleader.info & mapped it to a new folder I created on my hosting account;
    2.) I created the CNAME static on my DNS;
    3.) In Go Daddy, I created a new ftp user w/password to use w/W3;
    4.) From a Windows XP window, I’m able to log into ftp://static.latinoleader.info and was able to create a new folder named ‘Test’;
    5.) Through Go Daddy’s website, I logged onto it’s web-based FTP Manager and confirmed that the ‘Test’ folder was saved in the directory to which I mapped static.latinoleader.info;
    6.) I then used a Chrome browser, typed ftp://static.latinoleader.info and confirmed the existence of the folder named ‘Test’

    Now, in W3, when I test ftp server, I keep getting the following message: Error: Unable to connect to static.latinoleader.info:21 ().

    FTP hostname: static.latinoleader.info
    FTP username: same one I used above (in #3);
    FTP password: same one I used above (in #3);
    FTP path: /
    SSL support: Auto
    Replace site’s hostname with: apps.latinoleader.info (mapped to Google App Engine, where I’m trying to deploy a free mirror CDN using CirruxCache to take some load off Go Daddy’s server and benefit from Google’s servers).

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


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