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  • I agree. ??

    Thread Starter dawg


    Just a quick note to Ming, I was/am in support of your suggestion, and was just quoting Lorelle assessment which I believe is wrong.

    When I did what you suggested it worked like a charm! again thanks

    The CSS Zen Garden thing is no doubt very cool. But blogs have a very clear difference in specification: We do not know how long our cols are. That rules out a lot of CSS 2 position absolute stuff.

    No offense taken by anyone. Discussion forces me to make sure what I said was correct (and depending on the night that can be a 50-50 proposition).

    Personally, I intend to master floats. I also expect to accomplish this shortly before the sun burns out ??

    Well good luck. And if you do let us know how you did it ??

    Yes, there are solutions to the flexible-column-length problem, which exist out on a half-dozen sites on the net. I’ve been working on a hacked 3-col Kubrick, and because I was being ‘forced’ into a pre-designed CSS, I ended up requiring the left sidebar come before the content. I might try to address that again, but didn’t want to spend much time. ??

    Fixed width, abs-positioned layouts actually make things much simpler — CHAITGEAR originally was fixed-width sidebars but fluid content block. It was too hard to ‘control’ the look of the site on different machines, so I went to a completely fixed layout. Easier to manage. ??


    Or you could just install either Trident or Vesuvius.

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