i did everything that eatsutorials told me to do, and the script even gave me a successful completion message.
until i went to see them in the manage screen, and *GASP*, there were only two posts there.
i know i’m jus not doing something so very obvious to other users, otherwise the directions would have included it. but is there something i’m missing here?
(*on edit: thanks)
(on 2nd edit: the wordpress.php files were tagg’ed with .htm.
however, they did import, only for some reason, i’m getting these errors (and lots of ’em):
Warning: date() [function.date]: Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\functions.php on line 28
there aren’t any dates prior to 1970 involved here. so why should i get such an error?