• foxden vixen


    I have not done anything with my blog in a long time and thought that I would play around with a new WP site to learn better how to build themes. I installed WP locally and setup a database and that all works. BTW, I run IIS so WAMP is accessed at https://localhost:8080 because IIS has https://localhost. I actually posted some stuff on my website blog today and noticed that the page background is repeating so I need to fix it. I downloaded my blog stuff from godaddy.com, exported my database, got it installed but now I can’t access anything to do with my website blog. The database name is the correct one that godaddy.com has but I am not sure that I use the same logon and password. I copied and pasted the wp-config.php file outside of the site so that it would not be changed and left a copy inside the site. It has information that I don’t remember setting up as it has been 2 years since I have done this. On the wp-config.php file I have the DB_NAME as it is on godaddy.com (which is the name of the database locally now), the DB_USER is the same at the name. The DB_PASSWORD is where I may be messing up. If I exported the DB to my local computer would all that stay the same when I import the DB to PHPMyAdmin? I changed the DB_HOST to localhost:8080. Is that correct from what I mentioned above?

    None of these exist from the DB on godaddy.com……

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);
    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘put your unique phrase here’);

    Do I need to set them up? As I stated, it has been a VERY long time since I have done anything with WP.

    I use Dreamweaver CS 5.5 as well. Could there be a conflict since I have already installed WP a couple of days ago to play around? Is there something I need to do within WP to have both the test site and my actual blog show up? In WAMP I have 2 sites. WordPress and foxdenwebsolutions. The foxdenwebsolutions blog is called foxden so I would think that all I had to do to access it would be to type https://localhost:8080/foxdenwebsolutions/foxden/wp-login.php…but this is not working. I get an error connecting to the database so I am thinking I need to correct the wp-config.php page some more just not sure how…..sorry for rambling on but wanted to make sure that I had everything in here to get the best help I could.


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