Since update to 6.7.1 WordPress the overlay did not apply anymore. For now I disable that function as it is now shown any photos on FB feed when I share post there.
FB debugger says:
I have just installed your plugin to improve the quality of my OG tags. Looking into the source code I found the following:<htmi xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="de-DE" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns# fb: https://ogp.me/ns/fb#">
Seems like there is a typo in ��html�� (currently: htmi)
I’m trting to get the correct information for content on our site create with The Events Calendar plugin, but it is ignoring the featured image (link) the same image added as Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags post meta, it just uses the default image.
Here is how it looks in the editor (screenshot) and the resulting generated opengraph in the source (screenshot).
Does this plugin work for the content types created by The Events Calendar?
]]>When using images generated directly from macOS screenshots, the auto generated filename has spaces in it. I am not sure why they are all not stripped out by WordPress core, but they are creating issues with open graph featured images rendering on share links.
When I run the URL through the debugger.
Corrupted Image
Provided og:image URL, https://redacted.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Screenshot-2022-09-19-at-12.09.42?PM.jpg could not be processed as an image. It may be corrupted or may have an invalid format.
When I review the source code:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://redacted.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Screenshot-2024-09-19-at-12.09.42?PM.jpg"/>
The actual URL when properly rendered in the browser:
When I run the latter URL through the FB debugger itself, it processes and renders properly. So it’s possible the URL rendering on the plugin meta tags could be at least part of the problem.
Would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks!
]]>Is there a way to disable the “Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags” plugin meta box from displaying for Patterns [wp_block]? There would be no reason for this plugin to be active for Patterns.
I would like to customize output for “fb_og_desc” for particular pages. For example on WP Author page I would like to make it custom and created following code:
function custom_author_meta_description() {
if (is_author()) {
// Get the author object
$author = get_queried_object();
// Get the author's first and last name
$first_name = get_user_meta($author->ID, 'first_name', true);
$last_name = get_user_meta($author->ID, 'last_name', true);
// Static Text
$description_text = "items";
// Combine str template
$new_description = "$first_name $last_name $description_text";
return $new_description;
add_action('fb_og_desc', 'custom_author_meta_description');
But it doesn’t work. Could you please point out me where is the issue?
There are filters to disable the metabox fields. When both are disabled, the metabox still appears but is empty. In this situation the metabox should be hidden.
/* Trying to disable OG metabox everywhere */
add_filter( 'fb_ogtags_featured_image', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'fb_ogtags_page_description', '__return_false' );
This is something you might add to the plugin (it seems at least one other OG plugin does).
More info: https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/07/highlighting-journalism-on-mastodon/ or on Github.
When I link to this post on facebook, the editor shows the correct image. The *debugger* shows the correct image (BTW, the debugger link your “Read this before posting” message is doesn’t work–it’s a dead link). But when I post, FB shows the WRONG image. It’s showing the homepage banner instead. I’m flummoxed.
]]>I am encountering this error when loading some post edit pages: (/wp-admin/post.php?post=1234&action=edit):
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use assign-op operators with string offsets in /wp-content/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/admin/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-admin.php:404 Stack trace:
#0 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Webdados_FB_Admin->post_updated_messages()
#1 /wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#2 /wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(219): apply_filters()
#3 /wp-admin/post.php(206): require('...')
#4 {main} thrown in /wp-content/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/admin/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-admin.php on line 404
In my setup, this only seems to occur when trying to edit post types created by the mailster plugin, but the error could occur from other post types depending on the message types being returned for the post. It seems to be driven when the function post_updated_messages
encounters unexpected message type data ( in this case set by mailster using $messages[] = 'message';
for use within post types created in that plugin); which does not have the expected array structure, causing a fatal error when trying to use .=
in this plugin
Adding a check at line 401 to bypass any non-array values fixes the issue:
foreach ($messages as $type => $messages1) {
if (!is_array($messages1)) {
I’m not sure if this would be the best fix? – possibly limiting to specific post types, or enabling certain post types to be excluded from this plugin more broadly would also solve the issue
]]>Card image is not visible on twitter , however we can see it in whatsapp & facebook
]]>Hi there,
Since this week I am having problems with the plugin: I can’t save new entries for the preview image and the description. When I save an article and reload the page, the fields are empty (for new articles) or the changes haven’t been saved (for existing articles). I have the latest version of the plugin, the problem occurs in Firefox and Chrome. I haven’t changed the configuration of the plugin before the error occurred, and I haven’t installed any new plugins (although some may have been updated, but I haven’t installed any other plugins that deal with OG data).
Is this a known issue? Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?
Best regards
]]>Hi! My site has hidden prices for non-logged in but the plugin ads price meta so the prices shows in google. Is there a filter/php snippet i can use to hide these:
<meta name="twitter:data1" content="73.75 SEK">
<meta property="product:price:amount" content="73.75">
The plugin crops the image to 1200×630. And I followed the Martfury 1000×1000 template pattern
The blue part of the image says that this value can be changed in fb_og_image filter https://imgur.com/a/vE7jdCP
How do I make this change?
How do I make the entire image appear without being cropped?
View post on imgur.com
O plugin recorta a imagem em 1200×630. E eu segui o padr?o do template Martfury 1000×1000
Na parte azul da imagem fala que esse valor pode ser alterado em fb_og_image filter
Como fa?o essa altera??o?
Como fa?o para aparecer a imagem inteira sem ser recortada?
I’ve installed this plugin and it works on some pages but not for all of them.
When I share the link on Facebook I can’t see the image of these pages.
So I deactivated the Yoast seo function “Open Graph data” but nothing has changed. I’ve manually selected the image for pages with the problem but I haven’t resolved. I’ve also used the Facebook debugger but I can’t resolve.
Could you please, help me?
This is one of the pages with problems: https://www.temporary-url.com/8C5
This is one of the pages with no problems: https://www.temporary-url.com/18F85A
I love your plugin. When I did create png overlay it is not apply on photos when we share on Facebook. The overlay png is with 1200x630px dimension.
Here is screen shot of my settings -> https://snipboard.io/Zc3ASB.jpg
What I did wrong?
Thanks for your help in advance
How does it work with sharing to linkedin? On facebook it is showing perfect, but on linkedin it is only showing the url ? Looking forward for your answer. thanks in advance.
This happens in both new and old articles where the functionality used to work until a few days ago.
I suspect this might be related to tha fact that the image file names contain greek utf8 characters that are not url encoded in the og:image tag
For example, this page:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://top-nea.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/�æԦͦ�?�ʦ�-�̦Ŧ�-�Ц�?�Ӧ�-�Ŧʦ�?�˦ئҦ�-scaled.jpg"/>
and the image stopped showing up in fb shares.
Instead in this article:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://top-nea.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/bab-kir-rotated-e1709656359733-274x365-1.jpg"/>
There, sharing the link to Facebook works ok.
Any suggestions? As this is rather urgent, I would welcome suggestions to edit the code myserlf as long as I am given the right point and necessary changes.
Thank in advance
]]>Hi, on most sites of mine we are using the featured image so the metabox for the custom image is not required.
Is there a PHP snippet to ensure the metabox on the post edit screen is hidden for all users? It is primarily to keep things simple for clients who don’t need this feature.
I already tried disabling “Open Graph Image” custom field on the post” in settings but the metabox still shows.
]]>I’m testing the plugin, but getting error on facebook debug tool
screenshot is below
A required field is missing: id
Products without “id” information can’t be uploaded. Please check that this field is included for each product in a separate, labeled column.”
can provide solution for this error. Thank You!
For my last few posts, Twitter and Facebook aren’t pulling the featured image through in social media posts. For example this one: https://www.overcomecompulsivehoarding.co.uk/podcast-ep-120-what-a-crooked-church-spire-can-tell-us-about-failure-and-flaws-and-weirdness/
I’ve updated WordPress and updated all my plugins, I’ve cleared the cache, I’ve removed Yoast SEO in case that was causing the problem (The Facebook Debugger said fb:app_id was missing and Yoast said fb:app_id did nothing so had removed its functionality).
I’ve installed the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags (3.3.2) plugin. Still nothing’s working!
Even weirder, I can see it’s working on certain posts (e.g. https://www.overcomecompulsivehoarding.co.uk/time-for-a-kondo-clean-out-heres-what-clutter-does-to-your-brain-and-body/ ) but not others (e.g. https://www.overcomecompulsivehoarding.co.uk/podcast-ep-119-homelessness-and-hoarding-with-dr-jan-eppingstall-of-stuffology/ )
I’ve got to the end of my knowledge and would appreciate any advice!
]]>I just tested my staging site with WordPress 6.4.2 and PHP 8.0.3
I turned on the debugger and found these errors on my site.
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$post_excerpt in /var/www/vhosts/lunarmimi.net/clone.lunarmimi.net/wp-content/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/public/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-public.php on line 140
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$post_content in /var/www/vhosts/lunarmimi.net/clone.lunarmimi.net/wp-content/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/public/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-public.php on line 145
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$post_author in?/var/www/vhosts/lunarmimi.net/clone.lunarmimi.net/wp-content/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/public/class-webdados-fb-open-graph-public.php?on line?153
May I ask if it’s a known issue or my personal compatibility issue?
]]>Hi. I updated our featured image on our website and removed the old.
Also updated the default image path in general settings so it directs to the new image.
However, the new featured image is not being pulled from the Facebook link debugger. Facebook is trying to pull the image from the old path. What do I need to do to fix this?
Here’s a picture of the debugger and the old path.
For some articles, the image is not displayed on twitter�� Do you know why ?
I have set the Default description and image on Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags. However when put my homepage address on Facebook or Twitter, both were not there. I am using Latest post for Your homepage displays because of the theme I used. Is it the reason for that? Thanks
]]>WooCommerce is introducing this new database called “High-Performance Order Storage” and when trying to enable, there is a warning saying that Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags is not compatible.
Will you fix this in an update?
]]>Hi, installed this plugin to be able to have one default image when sharing links. Filled in info and added a default image in the settings, but there’s no og:image in the facebook meta section of the page source.
Only checked to use the default image on every post/page
]]>Hey! Twitter recently made an update where it no longer shows headlines from links. Only the image. So we’ve been replacing all of our old article images with ones that have text on them, in the hopes that it helps with clickthrough. However, the new image won’t show up. We’ve swapped out over 50 and only 1 has actually changed on Twitter.
I installed Open Graph hoping that might solve the issue. Used it for 4-5 pages. Still not showing up.
Any idea what I could try?
]]>Hello, support team.
Thank you for the great plugin. I had a little issue with the result on Google when I searched for my website. The “Meta description” displayed the text from “footer” instead of the website tagline.
I submit the image regarding this issue below.
For now, I’m not sure if it related to this plugin or something else.
PS I don’t use any other SEO plugins.
Thank you in advance.
I am using bbpress that comes with a feed feature where a user can post something like facebook.
After a user posts on the feed with an image, I tried to share the post link to facebook. but facebook doesnt take the image from the post but the featured image of the ��feed�� page.
Is there a way to assign an img metadata to each post whenever a post is made with an image in order for facebook to crawl the image when sharing the post link on the fb?
Please advise.
Thank you