• garydh


    Hi, I have followed the instructions and even tried my own tinkering (back to how it was now) with the code but my header img wont display properly. Can someone please take a look at https://www.dotlife.org/ and let me know what I might be doing wrong, Thanks.

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  • spencerp


    **EDITED** The image appears the normal size and looks good to me, so maybe it’s just within the codes for it some where that it’s just not right or something.. :/ (Like inside the header.php file or the CSS file perhaps..)Mmm..


    I do have the fixed files for it though, for that footer shift and such.. I’d just download the fixed files here once, in the rar archive, upload all of the imagery except the header one, and upload all the files over the existing ones.


    Preview Of Mine with the fixed files and such:

    Topic I’m referring to:


    Thread Starter garydh


    I’m still having the same problem ??



    EDITED* Try renaming that image of your’s to “kubrickheader.jpg” once, and do all this within an image editing program.

    It’s coming from this here I think:

    <style type='text/css'>
    <!--#header { background: url('https://dotlife.org/wp-content/themes/default/images/header-img.php?upper=FFCC33&lower=FF9900') no-repeat bottom center; }
    #headerimg h1 a, #headerimg h1 a:visited, #headerimg .description { color: #000000; }

    I’m going to grab your header image once and just modify the orginal Kubrick Header image and see if that helps any ok.. =)

    Also, you should keep the Blog’s URL link call tag for the header image for people to be able to get back to the home page. (Index page) =) Cause I had to manually delete the excess off the url in the URL bar at top and click Go.. =(




    Ok, now here is what you should/could do.

    Remove this coding from your header.php file:
    <style type='text/css'>
    <!--#header { background: url('https://dotlife.org/wp-content/themes/default/images/header-img.php?upper=FFCC33&lower=FF9900') no-repeat bottom center; }
    #headerimg h1 a, #headerimg h1 a:visited, #headerimg .description { color: #000000; }

    Click on this link here, download and upload into your images folder for that default theme. Should be good to go then. =)

    If you want it to be specified as your own image then, you’d have to edit all the call tags within the header.php file and or CSS file that calls for the “kubrickheader.jpg”

    To your own name like:

    Example codes in the header.php file that would need changed is such:

    #header { background: url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/kubrickheader.jpg") no-repeat bottom center; }

    To this:

    #header { background: url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/dotlifeheader.jpg") no-repeat bottom center; }

    And come to think of it, slaps self..I think if your using the personal header option, you’d have to comment out the other call tag for the kubrickheader.jpg part of it.. [slaps self again]… Could be wrong though…mmm. Never used that option before..


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