• Resolved chocofix


    When one visits the site, one is barraged with pop-up advertising. Mozilla instantly turns it off, IE does not, so there are lots of BS pop-up windows turning on like “Must Complete Form to See site” which takes you to a site about plasma TVs.

    I’m not a programmer, I’m one of the incidental webmasters, so I’m really clueless about how to proceed.
    Is this because I have a “weather pixie” on my site?

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  • Thread Starter chocofix


    Also, it looks like my css displays content differently in IE now (than Mozilla, where it looks good & is scaling just fine), and is dropping content to the bottom of the page now. *sigh*

    >I’m not a programmer, I’m one of the incidental webmasters, so I’m really clueless about how to proceed.

    and we arent mindreaders. If you ask design questions, it’s generally helpful to include a link to the blog page in question so we can see it.

    >Is this because I have a “weather pixie” on my site?

    no.weatherpixie doesnt cause popups.

    >Also, it looks like my css displays content differently in IE now (than Mozilla, where it looks good & is scaling just fine), and is dropping content to the bottom of the page now. *sigh*

    Back to the “we need a link” reply. However, even w/o a link I can tell you that there are countless threads on here explaining all the different things that cause that.

    Thread Starter chocofix


    Whooami- I’m looking for help, not jabs, it isn’t out of style to have some grace in your online communications.

    Are you hoping to make people who know less than you feel bad? Congrats, you really know how to makes someone feel sorry for seeking help in solving problems.

    I didn’t include the link because I imagine that people wouldn’t be too eager to visit an infected site.

    I looked for threads about hacks that cause pop-ups & how to solve them, all I found was advice about removing a ‘nedstatbasic’ script.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Calm down. All that was being pointed out is that it’s extremely difficult to give advice without actually seeing what you want people to give advice about.

    Basically, without a link so that people can see the source code, nobody can help you.

    Thread Starter chocofix


    Otto42, anyone who would start a communication with “Calm Down” is clearly not going to be sympathetic with the idea of grace in responding to bulletin board posts.

    If you’re going to be condescending in posts, you should also be aware that you’re making the people you’re speaking to feel bad. Are you really so surprised that someone would express anger when they’re being condescended too?

    I might not know how to find a hack in my WordPress files, but I know how to be kind to people, as well as how to express my anger when someone’s mistreating me. I want to fix my tech problem, but I also want us to be human, and that means thinking about how we make each other feel when we talk to each other.

    wow, you need to chill. im really sorry i left of the little smiley after the “we arent mindreaders” remark, so you wouldnt trip out.

    i think anyone that wants to help you any further is still waiting for the link.

    and ftr, popups arent necessarily ‘infections’, their nuisances. nusiances that most of us are able to control without having someone ask questions while censoring the page. Youve provided more than enough “warning” that anyone clicking knows what to expect.

    If you site was indeed compromised, and you dont want to provide any more info thats fine — and then here’s my best advice:

    start with ANY and ALL files that are chmod 777, that includes your wp-congig.php, wp-settings, etc.. ANY and ALL that are chmod 777, look through them meticulously, for anything that looks unusual — specifically keeping an eye open for unusual javascript code that contains ‘unescape’ or ‘encode’ or ‘encodeURI’.

    Ive helped more than 1 person in similar situtations privately, and posted about one such instance here.


    it turns out his wp-config.php had been altered.

    If you dont find enough help here, and cant find the problem, I am more than willing to to help you individually, and you can contact me via my blog.

    Thread Starter chocofix


    Now you’re just messing with me.

    I don’t need a smiley face, I need maturity and sincerity. In fact, thank you for not putting the smiley face there. Faux sincerity would make it all the worse.

    At this point, I will withdraw my question from the group, I’d rather go solo.

    and you apparantly replied before I had completed my post. so be it.

    Thread Starter chocofix


    Thank you for the link to the village idiot site, I will try to figure it out.

    i work nights, 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week, and im leaving shortly, but if you absolutely cant find whatever your problem is, download your files, zip them up, and email them off to me

    whoo -(at)- village-idiot.org

    and welcome back to the thread ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Otto42, anyone who would start a communication with “Calm Down” is clearly not going to be sympathetic with the idea of grace in responding to bulletin board posts.

    Wow. I’m simply floored. At this point, the only advice I can think of would suggest that you seek a quality psychiatrist. Really. Get some help, because you’re seeing attacks and condescension where none exists.

    Remember, text is not a medium that is particularly conducive to emotional expression. If you read condescension in these posts, then it might just be you reading it, not us putting it there.

    Thread Starter chocofix


    Am I the one who created the problem, or are you attacking me for pointing out the problem in the first place? I can not trust your assessment of me. Talking down to someone who obviously knows less than you is mean; it’s alright to express anger to people who mistreat you.

    While I recognize that I (and most everyone else) very well might benefit from a physiologist, I don’t think I’m crazy for asking people to communicate with consideration. “Calm Down”, “Chill Out”, “Not a Mind Reader”, “Only advice is to seek a quality psychiatrist” – these are condescending remarks.

    Everyday I make room for people to approach me for help without making them feel bad. If I do act haughty or talk through my nose(and sometimes I do!) I try to recognize it, but I almost always am better for recognizing where I have been unkind or inconsiderate.

    You’re obviously a smart person, and hopefully emotionally able to do some self-reflection when I give you some honest feedback without attacking my sanity.

    And this thread just wasted 5 minutes of my life for 30 seconds of whoo’s good advice.

    Too much emotion. Closing it.

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