• Resolved folbert


    I am not sure exactly what’s causing trouble for me but thought I’d give it a try here. I am running a multisite install of WP 4.5 with BTF 1.2.9.

    After I updated WordPress to 4.5, BTF is not able to work its magic anymore (I am 100% sure that it did before the update). For example at maqs[dot]com/en/co-workers/office/malmo/ . Neither the select box or the which co-workers are listed is affected by the “office/malmo” part of the URL. If I try dumping get_query_var('office'), i get an empty string.

    $wp_rewrite does include ["co-workers/(position|area-of-expertise|office)/(.+?)/?$"] => "index.php?post_type=co-worker&$matches[1]=$matches[2]".

    If I add this

    add_filter('query_vars', function($public_query_vars) {
    $public_query_vars[] = 'office'

    , “Malm?” gets selected in the select box but the filtering still does not work.

    I have saved the settings for BTF and also clicked “save” on the permalinks settings page and site settings page.

    I have tried googling for rewrite errors in 4.5 an found another user that had some trouble with another plugin. The solution there was to disable all plugins and then re-enable them. I tried that without any success.

    Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Thread Starter folbert


    If I had only spent another half hour before posting the previous post… I found that I had set publicly_queryable to false when registering the taxonomies. This didn’t prevent the whole shebang from working prior to 4.5 (it may have been that I was running 4.3.x before upgrading to 4.5).

    So this was in no way an error caused by BTF. Sorry for polluting your support forum with this ??

    Plugin Author Jonathandejong


    Hi Folbert,

    Glad you worked out the problem and that it wasn’t directly related to BTF ??
    Don’t worry about posting an “incorrect” topic, it happens to all of us.

    I’m sure I’ll soon be seeing issues where select2 “wont work” when it’s a theme or plugin breaking with the updated versions of jQuery and jQuery migrate ??

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