• dustyryan85


    I downloaded a plugin template designed as a ‘live learning’ example for the WP_List_Table function.

    I have learned a lot from it and I want to use parts of it to improve a plugin i am currently using.

    The problem is that it has a ‘sample data array’ instead of a query.


    Plugin Name: Custom List Table Example
        require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' );
    class TT_Example_List_Table extends WP_List_Table {
        var $example_data = array(
                    'ID'        => 1,
                    'title'     => '300',
                    'rating'    => 'R',
                    'director'  => 'Zach Snyder'
                    'ID'        => 2,
                    'title'     => 'Eyes Wide Shut',
                    'rating'    => 'R',
                    'director'  => 'Stanley Kubrick'
                    'ID'        => 3,
                    'title'     => 'Moulin Rouge!',
                    'rating'    => 'PG-13',
                    'director'  => 'Baz Luhrman'
                    'ID'        => 4,
                    'title'     => 'Snow White',
                    'rating'    => 'G',
                    'director'  => 'Walt Disney'
                    'ID'        => 5,
                    'title'     => 'Super 8',
                    'rating'    => 'PG-13',
                    'director'  => 'JJ Abrams'
                    'ID'        => 6,
                    'title'     => 'The Fountain',
                    'rating'    => 'PG-13',
                    'director'  => 'Darren Aronofsky'
                    'ID'        => 7,
                    'title'     => 'Watchmen',
                    'rating'    => 'R',
                    'director'  => 'Zach Snyder'
                    'ID'        => 8,
                    'title'     => '2001',
                    'rating'    => 'G',
                    'director'  => 'Stanley Kubrick'
    		function __construct(){
            global $status, $page;
            //Set parent defaults
            parent::__construct( array(
                'singular'  => 'movie',     //singular name of the listed records
                'plural'    => 'movies',    //plural name of the listed records
                'ajax'      => false        //does this table support ajax?
            ) );

    The example data is like a movie database. The data I am after will come from the options table in wpdb.

    The code I have so far is:

    $example_data = get_option('limit_login_lockouts');
    foreach($example_data as $value1 => $value2) {
    	echo $value1 . " => " . $value2 . "<br />";

    It echos an array just fine but I can’t figure out how to make the table show the values. => 1447706565

    Here is a link to the plugin I’m getting the code from
    so you can see the entire code.

    I have pulled up every reference to WP_List_Table and get_options and array I could find online but still haven’t figured it out.

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  • Thread Starter dustyryan85


    Oh and here is how the data is stored in the database. Im sure it will help to see this.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The topic is too complex to go into any detail here, hopefully this will point you in the right direction. I’m not sure what the plugin offers, I would look at actual core examples to learn how to extend WP_List_Table.

    Glossing over many details, you need to override get_columns() to return a column definition array. If you then look at WP_List_Table::single_row_columns() you can see you need a method named 'column_' . $column_name for each column in any row that outputs all of your table HTML for any one $item that appears in that column inside the <td></td> cell elements of the table.

    Your column method can get data for $item anywhere it needs to, but if it’s a sortable column the data must be in the same table as the sort key.

    Hopefully that’s enough to get a one row table displayed, you can build from there.

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