• Hi,
    first I would like to thank you for a great theme! I have two small problems.

    When I fill in the description of WooCommerce category, the text on the page appears in two places – like in the screenshot HERE – Is there any option to remove the text from the space between the title and the breadcrumb navigation?

    I also tried to change the language of some words. I used WordPress translator for your theme, but I couldn’t find how to translate cart view (screenshot HERE). Your advice in the topic below didn’t work.

    Can you help? THX!

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  • Theme Author Mystery Themes


    Hello @eber123

    Can you please provide us site URL so that we can check it from our side and give you feedback accordingly ?

    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter eber123


    thanks for reply. I have a test website where I’m testing the functionality of theme and plugins savio.savana-hosting.cz

    Problem with the duplicate description of WooCommerce category is for example HERE

    And the second thing – I didn’t find how to translate black rectangle with cart view.

    Maybe one more question… As I wrote, I used WordPress translator to translate some words and sentences in your theme. I translated about 60 terms to my (czech) language but I still see english terms instead of translated ones. The changes in the translation didn’t take effect on the website.

    Thanks for your help!

    Theme Author Mystery Themes


    Hello @eber123

    Please use this custom code to hide the category description under the title.
    .custom-header .taxonomy-description {
    display: none;

    And about translating, the requested string was translation ready in the theme. Here is a screenshot where such strings are listed.



    Thread Starter eber123


    thx for help! It works.

    I’ve one more problem with translation. I’m able to translate all things I need except for one thing.

    I’m still not able to translate “Add To Cart” button (in my language it means “P?idat Do Ko?íku”)

    To explain it – this “Add To Cart” button was already translated to my language before I used your advice but in wrong. The text “Add To Cart” (or in my language “P?idat Do Ko?íku”) has capital letters at the beginning of the words and that’s not right.

    Correctly it should be like this: “Add to cart” or “P?idat do ko?íku” – i.e capital letter only in first word.

    When I use your instructions, nothing happens but only in this case. I translated everything else without any problem.

    Is it some kind of bug? Thanks for help!

    Theme Author Mystery Themes


    Hello @eber123

    You can use the following code in additional CSS box to show disable the capitalize of the add to cart:

    .woocommerce-active .es-product-buttons-wrap a,
    .woocommerce-active ul.products li.product .button {
    	text-transform: none;

    Thanks ??

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