• Hi all,

    I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I’m running WP with Woocommerce and currently my site is randomly presenting white pages with the error “Internal Server Error, please try again later”.

    I say random because I haven’t been able to correlate it to anything like high CPU usage, high traffic, or a specific event. The only thing that might be correlated sometimes is that the user is going from a https page to a http page (like the going from placing an order back to the home page or signing in then back to the shop page).

    My customer will report the issue to me at times and if we re-create the series of events it doesn’t happen for us. It does happen to me some days on the dashboard and when it does it’ll happen continually for a few hours. Then the site goes back to normal. My host hasn’t been able to help at all (WordPress managed host using VPS and Varnish).

    Does anyone have recommendation on how to even debug this problem? it’s big issue because it does happen a lot after people sign in or place an order so they don’t think the sign in was successful or the order was placed.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • My experience with random 500 Internal Server Error is not recent, but I noted in the section in the Codex on the subject:
    that increasing PHP Memory is suggested.

    Which reminds me about how many issues I went through on a VPS when it ran out of RAM during periods of high traffic.

    My original 500 errors though were caused by my web host’s workload management software. It would kill any processes using any processor time, with a 500 error, whenever it was running out of RAM for the entire shared hosting web server.

    All of which takes me to one place: start a diary of exact time and date of each 500 error, taking into account Time Zones. Either go through the server logs yourself, if you have access to them, and/or report this information to your web host’s Support folks. I’m going out on a limb here, but I’ve never seen an intermittent 500 error that was not an issue with hosting. Obviously, for self-managed VPS, that is your problem, but you say you are using managed-VPS, so that makes it the Host’s problem.

    Thread Starter techoguy


    Thanks Jonradio.

    So first thing I guess is for me to make sure it’s actually a “500” error or not. It doesn’t actually say “500” anywhere like other http errors do.

    it literarly just says:
    “An internal server error occurred, please try again later” and that’s it. No formatting or anything.

    I have been trying to look at the WP logs, and server logs but nothing correlates even if an error is seen. I keep asking the host every time it happens and they can’t see anything either. They also keep telling me it’s something with my site and their servers are just fine. They did increase the PHP memory once but it still happened. I guess I could ask them to drop it down to see if happens more.

    What’s hard is I don’t necessary know every time it happens because customers don’t tell me and if it happens to them it doesn’t necessarily happen to me.

    This is why i’m so lost right now on how to figure out what’s going on. I mean even if I remove all the plugins I won’t know if it’s fixed at this point because I can force it to happen and I don’t know when it will happen.

    I’ll look at that link you provided and see if it helps.

    Thanks again!

    Good point!

    I’m not going to be any additional help, I’m afraid. But I did stumble upon this interesting thread that narrowed their problem down to a cookie problem in Safari: https://premium.wpmudev.org/forums/topic/wordpress-an-internal-server-error-occurred-please-try-again-later-safari

    Not that I’m saying Safari is your problem, but you may want to do the same Google that I did: “An internal server error occurred, please try again later”
    Be sure to use the double quotes just as I did.

    P.S. – that Google search might be better as shown below:
    WordPress "An internal server error occurred, please try again later"

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