• <img src=”https://bisforbounce.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/picture-4-300×246.png&#8221; alt=”picture-4″ title=”picture-4″ width=”300″ height=”246″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-712″ />
    Basically, I get this message everytime I try to log in to add a plug-in. I definitely have the username and password right, I think the problem might have to do with how i have my website registered (I originally had the blog on bisforbounce.com, and now i have it on bisforbounce.com/blog). I don’t even know what to do to troubleshoot it or where to start. Also, I can’t log in to my website using secureftp, it just says that the connection failed. I feel like those two are related somehow. I feel like it’s a directory issue, but, again, I don’t know how to go about checking.

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  • Also, I can’t log in to my website using secureftp, it just says that the connection failed. I feel like those two are related somehow.

    Talk to your host and get your FTP login and password.

    What kind of plug-in are you trying to load? Or better still what are you trying to do? From my experience, some things are better done in another way. From the error msg I can see, if you are loading a plug-in you should load into the plug-in folder. There is a plug-in on wordpress that allows you to upload files without the use of an ftp client. It will also tell you where to upload which files. It is easy to use. Download, install and activate the WP Easy Uploader from https://gaarai.com/wordpress-plugins/wp-easy-uploader/, if you don’t have it already. Check your installed plugins on your dashboard.

    Ftp issues could be complicated at times. However, I suggest you try filezilla. It is a good ftp client. I hope you are not having login issues. Check your username and password. Btw: which hosting company are you using?

    I hope I have been able to help!

    I have exactly the same problem. It occurs when wordpress tries to store some files on the webspace like new plugins or themes.
    I set already all permissions to 777 so I think it might be something with the ownership.
    Unfortunately I have no shell access to my webspace and cant use chown to test around with it.
    I wonder if there is a possibility to fix that by telling my provider to switch something in his webspace configuration?

    Thread Starter bisforbo


    Well I know my password (Michael h).
    And what I’m trying to do (edekin) is add a plug-in. I’ll try doing it the your way, but I’m not so much worried about that- i know how to use an ftp client to add a plug-in. I’m trying to figure out why I can’t do it THIS way. Sometimes when I delete the hostname to retype it in, or to try bisforbounce.com (rather than bisforbounce.com/blog – they were both the wordpress file at one point) i’ll hit proceed, and it does this: <img src=”https://bisforbounce.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/picture-6-300×145.png&#8221; alt=”picture-6″ title=”picture-6″ width=”300″ height=”145″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-718″ />
    I don’t know why it adds the extra bisforbounce.

    The hostname value is kept in wp_options with the option_name of “ftp_credentials” so wonder what your value is? You can also put FTP information in your wp-config.php to you don’t have to reenter it each time:

    # FTP_USER is either user FTP or SSH username. Most likely these are the same, but use the appropriate one for the type of update you wish to do.
    # FTP_PASS is the password for the username entered for FTP_USER. If you are using SSH public key authentication this can be omitted.
    # FTP_HOST is the hostname:port combination for your SSH/FTP server. The standard FTP port is 21 and the standard SSH port is 22.

    Sometimes the https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/core-control/ plugin can help figure out transport problems.

    Note–working URL for wp-easy-uploader

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