• Hi,

    I am totally new to WordPress. I have a customer who has asked me to update their WordPress site. I beleive it is an old version, I do not know what version though.

    When I first tried to login it said there was no wp-config.php file, there was no file, it was still named wp-config-sample.php, which seems strange to me as the front end of the site worked fine with no wp-config.php file? So I created a wp-config.php file

    Now when I login it says I need to upgrade. I am afraid to upgrade because I am not familiar with WP & won’t know what to do if I run into problems. So I am trying to create a copy of the site on another server.

    The existing site is here https://www.sharpscapes. com (remove space)

    I copied the site files & I backuped up the database & put them all here https://www.specracerford.com/ sharpscapes

    It is missing the menu so I re ftp’d the files but it is still missing the menu on the left side. Can anyone tell me why the menu is missing?

    When I login to the test WP site I am immediately redirected to the IP adrdress of the live site & it says there is no wp-config.php file

    Why would logging in to the site at https://www.specracerford.com/sharpscapes/ wp-login.php (remove space) redirect me to the live site upgrade page at

    Thank you for any help you can give me with this problem.

    Do you think it would be safe to just upgrade the live site if I have a backup of the site files & database?

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  • Remove the index.htm and see what happens.

    Thread Starter yaani


    It redirects to and gives a 404 Error

    Thread Starter yaani


    What do you think the worse case scenario could be if I click the Upgrade link on the live site?

    I thought if I copied all the site files & the database I would be able to recreate the site.

    I tried to do it on a different server here https://www.apecracerford.com/ sharpscapes (remove space) & everything works except there is no menu in the left column.

    You can type in the urls and access all the pages on the test site but I have no idea why the menu is not displaying. I can’t login to the test site because it redirects me to the live site & I am afraid to click the update on the live site! ??

    I am thinking I need to refer the client to someone who knows WordPress or give a quote on redesigning the site in Joomla that I am familiar with. I was looking at this as an opportunity to learn WordPress, only I can’t login the the test site I created to try to learn WordPress.

    I thought if I copied all the site files & the database I would be able to recreate the site.

    Perhaps you need to review Moving_WordPress?

    Some people decide to put the wp-config.php file above the root directory, for security reasons. See if you can find such a file.

    And yes, I think that once you have the old website (database / WP / Theme files) backed up properly, it’s safe to try and do the upgrade.

    Possible bad outcomes: incompatibility between WP and the theme / the plugins. In most of the cases, the plugins can be updated to a newer version as well. As for the theme, if it’s a free one there are good chances that you may get help from the WP community to make it work. If it’s a premium theme you may be entitled for help from the theme vendor.

    For the problem you have with no menu in the left column, it could be just a widget to be added / set up in the sidebar.

    If you cannot login to your test site is because in the Settings – General page of your test site the address points to the live site. Edit your database SQL file and correct that address.

    I’d say not to give up on WP just because of this problem, when you’re dealing with a CMS there are lots of chances for things to go some other undesired way, but with some patience and a (huge) community you will get things done and learn a lot.

    *The address you gave us is not working for me (am aware of the blank space).

    Thread Starter yaani


    I went into the phpMyAdmin & found in the wp_options table an option nmae siteurl I changed that from the live site to the test site. I am now able to login to the test site & get the upgrade link that has the test site url in the browser url bar (instead of the live site link) I will now try clicking the upgrade link in the test site & see what happens.

    I don’t know why https://www.specracerford.com/ sharpscapes (remove space) no longer works. I can access the site using https://www.specracerford.com/ sharpscapes.index.htm (remove space)

    I will keep plugging aloong & see if I can figure out this WordPress CMS & may have to post again if I run into problems.

    Thank you very much for your response! ??

    Thread Starter yaani


    Thank you esmi! I will read that link. I already stumbled on the siteurl in the wp-options table.

    Thank you!

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