• trying to get the side bar to accept widgets …. I read your summary of how to change the code and I compared the codes in my side bar.php to the examples you were giving it seems I don’t have either the unordered list starting with the about or the division..with an about… My about page and archives are on top on my header.. so being very new to this I don’t know what the code should be. my sidebar.php starts off as follows: I just remembers that I did alter it when I put the catagory icons plugin in, for my sidebar in the “put_cat_icons. is it now all messed up?? like I had said this is all relatively new to me.. I am using the theme Chaos..

    <div class=”categories-upper”></div>
    <div class=”categories”>

      <?php if (function_exists(‘put_cat_icons’)) put_cat_icons( wp_list_categories(‘sort_column=name&hierarchical=0&title_li=’.’&echo=0′)); else wp_list_categories(‘sort_column=name&hierarchical=0&title_li=’);

    <div class=”categories-btm”></div>
    <div class=”links”>

      <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘categorize=0&title_li=’); ?>

    <div class=”side-meta”>

      <?php wp_register(); ?>

    • <?php wp_loginout(); ?>
    • so you see I’m afraid if I copy and pasted the code you give as an example it would be all wrong.. and I don’t not know how to do this myself..

      Please advice…

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  • Trial and error is the best way to learn. Save an unmodified copy of your sidebar.php file before you make any changes, then tinker with the code until it does what you want it to do. The worst thing that can happen is that it won’t work. If you screw something up, just go back and reload the clean copy and try again.

    Thread Starter robynannelisee


    I wouldnt even know where to begin to modify a code but copy and paste the suggestions and they won’t work as mine is different. this is all new to be..

    Perhaps this tutorial on how to widgetize themes can help you:

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