• I currently have blog using wordpress 2.3.3 that uses wp-forum as a plugin to start a forum. However, I would much rather have the full functionality and customization that phpbb3 offers on its own. I installed in on my web server, and pointed a subdomain to the folder where I installed phpbb3, however when I type in the URL wordpress trys to find an article in the category phpbb3 (which doesnt exist of corse) and you get taken to the error screen as if you typed an article name in wrong. Its almost like wordpress grabs the URL before it goes to the root directory structure, and this is keeping me from installing phpbb3. Any suggestions?

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  • It’s not very clear what you’re trying to do. Please post exact steps.

    Thread Starter skehoe


    Ok basically, I have WordPress installed on the root directory of my web space. The phpbb folder is also in the rood directory of the website. However. if I type in https://www.websitename.com/phpbb (which should run the install scripts), I get an error, article not found. How do I tell wordpress to ignore https://www.websitename.com/phpbb and not to treat it like an article URL

    Hmm, that’s not really my area of expertise. I think you might need to write a custom rule in your .htaccess file to handle this exception. Sorry I can’t help more.

    I’m wondering if it might be better to install your PHPbb to site.com/forum

    Give that a go.

    Not sure if you have discovered this yet, but as I started looking at phpBB3 myself yesterday, I had the same problem until after running the install script with a fully qualified url: https://www.websitename.com/phpbb/install.php

    Remember that after configuring everything during the next few pages, you will have to remove the install directory as well. That is delete the https://www.websitename.com/phpbb/install directory – otherwise you will not be able to see anything other than the phpBB admin interface.

    Hope this helps – there is a lot of very qualified support info on the phpBB pages if you need more ??


    This helps a lot! Thanks. One question remaining:
    Did you use the WP-United plugin to fit phpbb3 to wordpress or is that not necessary anymore?

    Only problem with WP-United is it hasn’t been updated in half a year it seems ??

    Hello there!

    No idea if you are still looking at this spot but this could be usefull for anyone.

    We have been running phpbb3 and WordPress right beside eachother for a long while now (since version phpbb version 3.0.1 and wordpress version 2.3)

    When installing I have pretty much done the same thing as you have done. WordPress was installed in the root directory so visiting our main page: https://www.example.com leads to the index file of WordPress and the phpbb forum was located in https://www.example.com/phpbb. Later on I have easily edited that into https://www.example.com/forum without any issues.

    The awnser provided here: going to the full url (including the .php) https://www.websitename.com/phpbb/install.php did the trick for me.

    On a side note: the database prefix will be the same as the original folder name, in my case its phpbb_ something.


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